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The Zodiac Signs As Pokemon Types

"Gotta Catch 'Em All!"

The Zodiac Signs As Pokemon Types

When you're as nerdy as I am about Pokémon, you have to think... what Pokémon would I be? So, here are all the zodiac signs and their Pokémon twin.

Aries - Fire Type


Just like fire type Pokémon, Aries can be so sweet and loving, but they can change to fierce in a matter of seconds.

Taurus - Rock


Hard-headed and stubborn like rock type Pokémon, this is the perfect fit for Taurus. They are, however reliable and enjoy stability.

Gemini - Flying


Gemini are always able to go with the flow and are as wise as an owl - making flying type the go to match.

Cancer - Ghost


Just like ghost types, Cancers are mysterious and hard to get to know, but once you become their friend, they are in it for the long run.

Leo - Electric


Leos are full of energy and bring spark to those around them, making electric type their twin Pokémon!

Virgo - Steel


Hardened in their ways like steel Pokémon, Virgos are hardworking and always reliable.

Libra - Grass


Harmony, peace and love are what grass Pokémon and Libras are made of. They live to restore the balance between everyone.

Scorpio - Water


Soft and cuddly, or strong and powerful - these are the sides of both Scorpio and water type Pokémon.

Sagittarius - Psychic


Mystical and philosophical, and always thinking big. That’s how Sagittarius and psychic Pokémon live their lives.

Capricorn - Dark


They are light and dark. Serious and unforgiving. And driven by work. Capricorn’s and dark type Pokémon don’t like to mess around.

Aquarius - Dragon


Movers and shakers, who love making all the decisions. They love the power, just like dragon type Pokémon.

Pisces - Fairy


Calm and caring and empathetic, are how Pisces and fairy type are. Their is a little bit of magic in everything they do.

12 signs. 12 Pokémon types. All connected through the universe and through your zodiacs.

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