I understand the appeal of talking about people. You just found out Henry is hooking up with Olianna and you’re like AH WHO DO I TELL WOW SOS.
The reality is, people commonly talk about other people when they are insecure about themselves.
How interesting would it be that if, instead of calling another girl a rude name, someone just said “Wow, I’m sorry, I feel really bad about myself today.”
How honest of a world that would be.
To me, it is never okay to tell someone elses story. If you do not have permission from someone, I feel it is not okay to talk about them. Especially if the situation is not 100% anonymous. Along the way, the story often gets twisted and turned inside out.
Talking about a situation that isn’t yours is like stealing. It is stealing someone’s story and making it your own.
People are talked about enough. People feel bad about themselves sometimes. All the more reason to not talk about other people, in an effort to break the cycle.
I have been trying to live my twenty first year by the golden rule especially. Similarly, the quote “women who don’t support other women are not my type of women,” comes to mind.
You’re allowed to be mad. You’re allowed to feel. You’re allowed to be jealous when they choose her. But try to remember it’s not something she did, or you did. It’s just what happened. And just because she’s dating your ex doesn’t mean she’s a bad person.
Like I said, I’m sure most people are guilty of talking about someone else. I’m not going to fake ignorance and say that this problem will just vanish overnight.
However, if we all put in an effort to be more honest with ourselves and others, maybe other people will follow suit. And maybe we can begin to build an honest world together.