A college relationship is a pretty big commitment. You have a crazy work and course schedule and dedicating your free time and emotional sanity to someone can be especially daunting. I am proud to say, though, that I have been in a long term relationship since my first year I college.
With pizza.
I remember it like it was yesterday, being in the refectory for the first time. Spotting it from across the room in the midst of some foods that you'd rather not put in your body.
We were coy in the beginning. I tried to only have it every now and then, throwing in a salad for good measure.
But then, as the desperation grew, I finally gave in.
From the start, we both knew it was serious. It's been home many times, and even my father approves
Take it to a party and you'll both be a hit.
Nobody can resist.
It has a body that won't quit,
Can be a little saucy,
And just makes you feel good.
And though it may get around...
...Its always there for you on those late nights when you need it most.
It'll always be down for a classy night if you want...
...But it won't judge you when you're alone at your worst, no makeup on, eating along in the dark in your sports bra.
So pizza here's to you.
And remember that boys may come and go, but pizza is forever.
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