The leaves have fallen, the temperature has dropped, and autumn has officially begun. Which means one thing — it's cuffing season. If you are unsure about what cuffing season is, it's when the weather gets cold and people need a cuddly buddy. They need someone to snuggle with someone under the comforters and have their body heat warm you up. But, you know what really warms you up? You know what's really comforting?
1. It will always comfort you.
No matter what time of day it is, pizza will always be there. No matter how upset or angry you are, you can pull a slice of pizza out of the box and take that first bite, and suddenly everything is better. Pizza can't talk back when you're mad, and can't walk away while you're crying because they don't feel like hearing it. Pizza just lets you vent out your frustrations on them, and will NEVER complain. Seriously, what could be better?
2. It's never too busy for you.
It really doesn't matter if it's 2 a.m., 7 a.m., 3 p.m. or 10 p.m., whenever you need pizza it is THERE. Whether it's delivery, or store-bought ready to make in the oven, or home-made, there is never a wrong time for pizza. Pizza will never turn you away.
3. It will always pleasure you.
YES, KEEP LAUGHING BUT YOU KNOW IT'S TRUE. There has not been a single time where pizza has disappointed you. It has never let you down. It will never let you down. Name one time it has. That's right. You can't. It always knows how to keep a smile on your place - almost as if it is its job!
4. The guy who delivers the pizza is pretty cute too, usually.
If you're tellin' me you've never crushed on the pizza boy, YOU ARE LYING. I mean seriously, half the time I order pizza it's so I can look at the beautiful creature delivering the beautiful pizza pie.
5. It's a cheap date.
Whether you're grabbin' a slice or an entire pie, pizza will never force you to spend a whole lot of money you don't have on it. Pizza understands that we're all ballin' on a budget, which is why it doesn't ask for a whole lot of money from you - because pizza isn't greedy.
Now if you will all excuse me, I have to go order myself a pie.