With the original trilogy being a classic and the fourth movie being...well there, we are now introduced with a new "Pirates of the Caribbean" film. Yay?
To be honest, I am quite happy with that fact that this movie is coming out. The franchise ended on a sour note with the fourth installment, "On Stranger Tides." It is the worst rated out of the films and it did not even come close to living up to its predecessors. The feel of the film was all wrong.
However, "Dead Men Tell No Tales" seems to be bringing back the darker feel and mood of "The Curse of the Black Pearl," which is considered and agreed to be the best out of any of them.
To compare what I am talking about, be sure to watch the above trailer and then watch the one below for "On Stranger Tides."
It is all off for some reason. The charm of Jack Sparrow is there, the mystical intrigue is there, and it seems like it will answer some questions left by the last film. Yet, we almost become tired of Jack Sparrow, the fantasy elements become more cliched--what with zombies and mermaids--and the color-scheme is brighter, which is way off from the darker film it should have been.
With "Dead Men Tell No Tales," there are a plethora of things I want to see. I need to know about the fate of Elizabeth and Will and where their lives took them. The end credit scene of "At World's End" leaves us with an image of their son and Elizabeth staring off of a cliffside waiting while Will comes home for the first time. That could be incredibly interesting! The tragic love story of Elizabeth--who is a brave and daring woman having to take care of a child--and Will--who goes on adventures as the captain of an immortal crew doomed to sail the seas for all eternity. Tell me your spine is not tingling at the thought of it such a story?
For years, I have been thinking about a possible story that could be formed with them and how it could include Jack Sparrow, because making a "Pirates of the Caribbean" film without Captain Jack Sparrow is probably going to flop no matter how well-made it is. This new film could be the rebirth of the franchise! Not just a money-maker, but a genuine story that captures the hearts of moviegoers as the original trilogy did mine!
I am still all for original content and the fact that this is number five of a series with a questionable overarching storyline still pains me. However, I have faith in the potential of this new film to bring us back to better times when we loved pirates and all wanted to go on adventures as captain of our very own ship.
Do not let me down, Disney!