Phone Numbers All Auburn Students Need | The Odyssey Online
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Phone Numbers All Auburn Students Need

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Phone Numbers All Auburn Students Need

These are some of the most important phone numbers you will have in your contact list, and numbers that every Greek student at Auburn should have.

Foy Information Desk


When you’re featured on the "Today Show," you know you’re a big deal. The Foy Information Desk is a must-have contact for every phone, not just every Auburn Student. You can call them and ask any question you need the answer to, and they will answer them. My favorite question to ask is, “How many Oreos can you fit in Jordan-Hare Stadium?”

Auburn University Med Clinic


Because sometimes you just need a day off, or maybe that rash isn’t just a rash….

Willie’s Wings and Stuff


Pizza Sub and Cheese Tots. This order will change your life. Willie’s is open until 3 a.m. on the weekends, and is the world's most perfect drunk food. ALL HAIL WILLIE’S.

Auburn University Security Shuttle


This is probably the most convenient number on the face of the planet. If you need to go anywhere on Auburn’s campus from the hours of 6:00 PM to 7:00 AM, you can call this number, and they will come get you and take you anywhere. It is magical for both coming home from the library late at night, or more importantly, coming home from the bar or fraternity house after a long night.

Your Mother

Do I really have to explain this one? Talk to your mother, you hooligan.
TIP: Moms are usually more apt to give you money than Dads.

Domino’s Pizza


$5.00 Medium one-topping pizzas are lifesavers. Domino’s on West Magnolia is open until 3:00 and will take your pick up order until 2:59. The workers at Domino’s are everything that is right with the food service industry.

Your Emergency Contact

This is the one person who you would want to call in an emergency. This person needs to be in or around Auburn. Whether it is your best friend, your big, your significant other, or your sibling, this needs to be the person willing to drop anything and everything to come and assist you in your time of need.

War Eagle, Y'all!

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