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8 Phases A College Student Goes Through During Winter Break

When you're in college you can't wait for the semester to be over and to finally get to the month-long winter break, but there is definitely a cycle that every college student goes through.

8 Phases A College Student Goes Through During Winter Break
Hunter Ruediger

The month-long winter break that every college student gets after the first semester is always much needed especially after a week or more of intense final exams. There is always a relief when you finally turn in that last exam and can go out and be done with the first semester no matter how good or bad it went. During that winter break, there is a definite cycle that comes from it and how you, as a college student, feel. Throughout the entire winter break there are times where how you feel towards the winter break changes. So here are all of the different cycles one goes through.

Phase 1: Thank God finals are done with, let's get drunk 

No matter how finals went, when they are finished it is a party with you and whoever else is finished with finals. This is when you can just sit back and relax and drink some drank with friends and forget about the awful time finals were. It will be a night or nights of celebration as each and every one of your friends slowly start to finish up with finals and goes into full winter break mode.

Phase 2: Wow, I can't wait to see my high school friends

You're just so excited to see all your friends that you made in high school and went off to other colleges. These are the OG's and you know you'll have a good time with them no matter what. It's nice to catch up with them and talk about last semester's good and bad times. If you need advice they will give you advice and if you need to just party it up they will be there for that too.

Phase 3: So excited to see your family and pets

This has to be one of the best phases because it is when you get to see the people and animal(s) that mean the most to you, and in some cases, you haven't seen them in months. This is always a happy time when you get greeted at the door by your favorite furry friend and get to hug your mom.

Phase 4: Christmas fever

You may have had Christmas fever in November, but once you get through finals and get into winter break the reality of Christmas being literally right around the corner hits you, and all you can do is sit and play Christmas music around the tree and wish anyone and everyone a Merry Christmas.

Phase 5: What am I going to do on New Year's Eve

This is always a major question that needs to get answered. New Year's Eve is always one of the biggest parties year after year so you know that you need to go big and have a blast. Whether that means going to a party with friends or going out to a bar or whatever. Most likely, whatever you end up doing is going to be a blast.

Phase 6: I wish I could go somewhere

This is when time spent at home has come and now it is just getting a little too boring for you, and you keep seeing a bunch of other people at some nice foreign place having the time of their life. Now after all that you want to go travel somewhere and see some new place too.

Phase 7: Wow, I miss college

This is the phase when you have done everything you can think of at home, and now you are just really missing everything about college. You haven't seen your college friends in a while and you miss hanging with them. You honestly can't wait to get back and hang out and do all your favorite things in college.

Phase 8: I really don't want this next semester to start

This is when you're back in college and it is just before the 2nd semester is going to start and you feel like you got pulled back into school mode again. You are honestly not ready for it to start again and you try to mentally prepare yourself for the new semester.

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