Petty Complaints To Leave In 2016
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Petty Complaints To Leave In 2016

Personal pet peeves that I refuse to accept in the new year

Petty Complaints To Leave In 2016

2016 has been about as predictable as every season of "Game of Thrones." If you’re unsure what that means, I will put it in simpler terms; 2016 has been an absolute cluster-f***.

Between the tragic or heartwarming news stories, the most bizarre election I have personally lived through, the inspiration and the disappointment felt on so many issues, the loss of some of the most iconic celebrities and my personal positive and negative life experiences; this year has proven to be the ultimate test of sanity and patience I have ever endured.

With 2016 came so many strong emotions that have made me question the safety of our future as Americans and human beings in general.

Also with 2016, came the desire to stop worrying and apologizing for being the person I am, with all of my quirky mannerisms, awkwardly silent introversion and my outspoken, opinionated tendencies.

As long as I stay open-minded, respectful/respected and understanding of opposing views from others, I am perfectly happy with going about my life in my own way. I don’t have to explain my reasoning behind some personal choices I make for myself, and I certainly should not apologize for being a freethinking individual.

So, when we say goodbye (and even good riddance) to the end of 2016, I will say, “see ya never” to some of the most annoying assumptions and comments/questions that I hope to stop hearing on a regular basis

*The exception would be genuine questions from curious people, family and friends catching up and also family and friends lovingly giving me a hard time for the sake of being smartasses.*

Why are you not eating meat, are you crazy? (Also: is this part of a cleanse? Don’t you miss bacon? Are you one of those animal-loving hippies? Etc.)

Okay, I understand the initial shock regular meat eaters feel when a person shares that eating a meat-free diet was a rational, independent decision. I totally get that you may be concerned with my protein intake or just feel curious and want to know why I would make this decision.

What I can’t stand is the fact that people ask me why I stopped eating meat, just so they can talk about how much they personally love different meat variations and tell me why my diet is wrong.

I used to occasionally decide to go through a certain amount of time not eating meat. Sometimes it was to see if I could, other times it was to broaden my nutritional horizons (I tend to get creative with decently healthy foods and find new substitutions I would have never tried without going meatless).

Every time I cut down on my meat intake for a significant amount of time I felt a lot better and usually made healthier choices. I didn’t even make the healthier choices consciously; I just genuinely enjoy vegetables and protein from vegetable-based foods. Now, I have gone meatless again, except this time is the longest amount of time I have gone (seven months) and the easiest this has been.

I do want to let you all know that these seven months have not been entirely meat-free, and I really try to stay away from calling myself vegetarian because I do eat fish and some other seafood (but try telling someone you are pescatarian and they usually ask which religion that is).

I also let myself have tiny portions of certain kinds of meat if I am seriously craving it so that I can get the craving out of the way and adjust my diet so that I get the right balance of nutrients (maybe my body is telling me I need more protein, or maybe my body just wants a chicken wing).

I also want to point out that I was never too much of a carnivore to begin with, and found that meat was the easiest and most effective diet change for me.

So, yes I have in fact had bacon on many occasions before. Yes, it can be delicious. However, I was always someone who actually preferred turkey bacon because the grease and fat from traditional bacon always made me feel sick. Meatless bacon (yes that is a thing that exists) also has the same texture and taste of turkey bacon, so I think “bacon” is a poor argument to make.

Additionally, I am an animal-loving hippie. How could you not find the incredible creatures of the world to be lovable? I actually kind of get grossed out thinking about consuming a once-living thing that I probably would have wanted to keep as a pet had I met it while it was alive.

I understand that the animals our society consumes will die either way, but I’m not sure how my meatless-ness affects your diet. Just eat your steak dinner; I’ll have my kale and quinoa with my veggie burger. We can still be friends, you know?

So, when are you and your boyfriend getting engaged?

If you are any of our close family members (and friends) I probably won’t get annoyed at this question. I understand the allure of marriage and getting into our mid-twenties and dating for a little over 2 years, Dom and I are inevitably going to hear this question thrown around at various family and social functions. Like I said, that is something I typically will not feel annoyed from.

If you are a person I just met without knowing my significant other and our relationship, this question is just odd. I don’t meet a person and immediately jump into an interrogation of his/her personal life. I really do not enjoy the assumption that being a 25-year-old woman, out of college and starting her career while in a serious relationship means my next big step is straight into marriage.

I recently started a new job, after only being at my previous job for 5 months. I am oddly excited that I share an office with one coworker and get to have my own desk. I also am pretty pumped to have a normal 9-5. What even are weekends? If I get excited over buying office supplies for my first desk, then I’m not so sure I am totally prepared for the big decision of marriage (this does not mean I am against the idea, I just need to focus on some other things first).

Also, let me get my credit limit built up to a little more than $1,500, then let me pay a little more than the minimum on my student loans and maybe we can talk about putting time and energy into planning and saving for a wedding. I really don’t need an expensive party, a shiny ring and a piece of paper to solidify my feelings toward Dom. We are happy where we are together right now and that’s cool with us. We will revisit the topic when we want to, but that’s kind of just a conversation for us to have (and our grandparents to hint at every time we visit).

Cats? Why don’t you get a “real” pet, like a dog?

My grandmother is the only one who can say this because she is 82 and can say basically whatever she wants about our cats. Except, she also mentions that she only likes my cats because they have fun personalities.

If my grandmother can accept that Dom and I have two cats, then so can the rest of the cat haters I meet.

I love those two cats. They are pure entertainment and the best stress relievers. I also love dogs, so much. But, dogs are as much work as a child to take care of, and I wouldn’t want to bring a dog into this family without having the right amount of time and energy a dog needs to thrive.

The cats are lower maintenance and cleaner. They can be jackasses and do stupid things, but they need less stimulation than a dog.

I am obsessed with Chai and Dexter, and I feel that they are obsessed with me, too. Have you ever just heard a cat purr so loud and not instantly felt loved and less stressed?

I’m sorry, what was your name? Say that again? Alicia? I won’t remember that. Do you go by another name? No? Well, that’s not helpful…

Okay, I understand this sounds pretentious. I know I have a different name that appears confusing at first glance. Or maybe you need me to repeat my name one more time because it is odd and you thought you heard wrong the first time. That is totally fine. Believe me, I have heard every variation of my name and I actually don’t get annoyed if you butcher it a few times. I like that people try.

The thing that really just irks me is when people are simply lazy. If you are reading my name and you say “Ashley”, “Alicia” or “Alyssa” then I get annoyed. Please, completely use the weirdest pronunciation of my name, but to blatantly not make any effort is offensive.

However, what I find more offensive is when I introduce myself to new people and they ignore me. I take into account the environment we are in (maybe we are out at a loud bar, and everyone is too wasted to remember basic words, then that’s understandable). When I know you heard me the first three times or you are just so uninterested in making a decent effort to try to get my name right, then I too will be selective with my listening skills around people like this.

I don’t understand the laziness that ensues when people hear me repeat my name to them multiple times on a regular basis, and they don’t even care to try and get it down. I’m talking coworkers, teachers, friendly acquaintances, etc. If I see you fairly regularly, please get my name right.

As for meeting new people, if I have to repeat myself more than three times then I will use a fake name (I go with “Ashley” because it is the most ironic). The funny part is, when I switch to a simpler name that’s when people suddenly are able to hear me. I see past that BS.

*Side note: it is pronounced Uh-Kay-Shah. It is totally fine if you didn’t know that just by reading it, but if I shake your hand and say that multiple times in one handshake (without your effort to just try and pronounce it), then I will not waste my time.*

I know this all sounds so petty, but maybe we all deserve to be a little petty every now and then. I think it is a good thing to vent and complain about silly things that annoy each of us. This is what I tell clients in therapy. Just write down what you're thinking and you will feel so much better.

I do feel much

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