Recently I watched the movie titled, "Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party." I had heard very positive things said about the film and thought that since Election Day is coming up (November 8th) I should learn as much as possible about Hillary before I cast my vote. My knowledge about Trump is fair, but I decided to learn more about candidate Clinton. Here are a few reasons why I believe that you should watch "Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party."
1. You learn the histories of both parties.
At eighteen years old, I can fully admit I didn’t pay any attention in my government class. Granted, I had a brand new teacher who was still figuring things out herself, but as a Junior in High School, I was more worried about the ACT’s than government. But, thinking about it, I have no idea about the history of either party. I know the basics about how America came to be, but it seems like the light is only shown on the present of Democrats and Republicans. This movie gives you an informative view on the past of the parties and what influenced each side’s stance on social issues.
2. Get a clear idea of the "switch" between parties.
If you didn’t already know, "The Switch" is basically an event in which The Democrats switched over to the Republicans and visa-versa. What this movie exposes is how false this concept is and how many really switched over.
3. Dinesh D'Souza's story is both intriguing and fascinating.
He was sentenced to jail for something so small and insignificant while others have done far more and received a lax sentence. His story is inspiring while infuriating. Review the evidence and judge for yourself.
4. The American government to a Chicago gang?
You would never think to compare the two seemingly different parties but D’Souza’s argument is highly convincing. He lays down the facts, presents the interviews, and gives us the events to back it all up. The simile makes you feel an uneasy sense of distrust toward the government, and the people in charge of our great country.
5. A brief glimpse into the Clintons.
An interesting, factual summary; starting when Bill Clinton was elected to the White House to Hillary Clinton today.6. A biography of Hillary Clinton herself.
I was really interested in learning about Hillary and seeing what her childhood was like. What college did she go to? How did she meet Bill? Her friends? Associates? How did she grow into the person she is today? You learn it all through this film.
7. Learn what party supported what cause in the past.
Do you know which party supported Women’s Suffrage in the 1920’s? Or who really wanted the slaves freed? Which presidents were adamant that slaves were good for America? The answer might be surprising.
8. Both parties are interviewed.
In the media, you see a lot of Bias. Each news channel is directed towards one party or favors a certain candidate so it’s refreshing to see both sides being represented in this film. There are interviews with Republicans, and Democrats, each being criticized fairly.
9. You know who you're voting for.
Most people just vote to vote. Some want to say they voted for the first black or woman president – just so they can say they did, without giving any thought of the views or policy of the candidate himself. Some are simply lazy or don’t care. I suggest you research each candidate, learning their views on social issues, economic issues, and their biography.10. This movie is entertaining yet very informative.
"Hillary’s America"is presented in an interesting way; opening up with D’Souza’s trial and ending with the passionate song Amazing Grace. The film is filled with factual information and you will become immersed in the story and it's role-playing only to realize you are actually learning something.
Whatever political party you belong to, or if you aren't involved in one, I still suggest you take a look at the movie. It's easy as a click below at the link; grab some popcorn and soda, lay back, and relax with your laptop. You won't regret it.
Here's the link to movie: