The joys of summer...going to the beach, grabbing lunch with friends, having little to no responsibilities most of the week, but most importantly, it is the peak time of year for people watching.
Now if you're reading this and already thinking that you do not people watch, you're lying to yourself. WE ALL DO IT. It is one of my favorite activities, especially in the summer.
Families, couples, solo individuals, they use summer as a time for travel. You see all kinds of walks of life throughout these few short months. Just thinking about the wide array of people makes me a happy, cynical, and giddy individual.
I realize how much I may sound condescending or sarcastic, but if there is anything that you need to know it is that I truly LIVE to people watch. I don't people watch to be an asshole or make fun of others, I am honestly just fascinated by every single person on this earth and how unique and different they all are. Human interactions and exchanges are incredible, facial expressions, body language, how people dress, how they act, the pitch and tone in voice...
So I give you my top 3 favorite places to people watch in the summer and why!
The Beach
12 year old boys walking in squad formation trying to hit on girls significantly older than they are. Babies, frat boys, old foreign men in speedos...need I say more?
Coffee Shop
This is easily one of my favorite locations. Coffee shops are filled to the brim with middle school girls, stay at home moms, business men, cute older couples, baristas that would rather be anywhere else, college students studying for summer classes, nannies, and everybody else on the other side of the glass walking by the shop. The conversations are priceless, you can tell who dislikes who, and last but not least there are countless awkward exchanges, which are my favorite.
Park Benches
Last, and certainly not least, is the lone spot on a park bench. Now this one is not much more exciting than your local coffee shop, but other than people watching, there are numerous cute dogs that are looking for some love. I don't know how anyone could say no to that!
I have very little free time on my hands with class and work (yes even in the summer), so I try and use it wisely by people watching! There is absolutely no shame in people watching, so the next time you hit the beach, do me a favor, sit back, relax, and watch on.