19. Peanut Butter Cheesecake | The Odyssey Online
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33 Creamy Treats For All The Peanut Butter Lovers Out There

Are you team crunchy or team smooth?

33 Creamy Treats For All The Peanut Butter Lovers Out There

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It's National Peanut Butter Lovers Month! How will you celebrate a month completely dedicated to peanut butter? Here are some of the BEST peanut butter recipes, ideas, and treats to try this month!

1. Peanuts

The simplest way to get a peanut-y taste! Whether you like them boiled, parched, or shelled, peanuts are a perfect treat for anyone with a salty craving.

2. Peanut Butter Balls (Buckeyes)

For a mix of chocolate and peanut butter goodness, try these for an amazing treat that melts in your mouth.

3. Peanut Butter Cookies

Cookies and milk are the ultimate duo. Try peanut butter cookies next time.

4. Peanut Butter Pie

To keep the true creamy side of peanut butter, try a peanut butter pie.

5. Peanut Butter Cupcakes

A cupcake with a touch of peanut butter can make your day. Pairing it with a chocolate, caramel, peanuts, or Reese's cups as a topping can make your day even better. Here is a recipe to try this holiday season.

6. Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

Hands down, the best candy. At this time of year, buy the Reese's peanut butter pumpkins and Christmas Trees. Put them in the fridge or freezer for a cooler treat! Make your own peanut butter cup treats with this recipe.

7. PB&J

For a quick snack, a PB&J can satisfy your craving. Try it with homemade jellies, jams, and honey to change it up a little bit.

8. Oreo's with Peanut Butter

Oreo's and milk are the ultimate duo, but have you tried dipping an Oreo in a jar of peanut butter?

9. Peanut Butter M&M brownies

I found these on Pinterest and had to try them. Eat them about 15 minutes after they come out of the oven with a cold glass of milk, and your sweet craving will be relieved.

10. Peanut Butter M&M's

Everybody loves M&M's so why not try a new flavor?

11. Peanut Butter with Fruit

Apples and bananas dipped in peanut butter are a super healthy snack for anyone on the go.

12. Peanut Butter Filled Pretzels

I always ate these at my grandparent's house. These are an easy on-the-go snack.

13. Reese's Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Cheese Ball

If you like to dip your cookies or crackers, try this recipe for the perfect peanut butter cheese ball.

14. PayDay Candy Bar

A mixture of peanuts and caramel in one candy bar.

15. Candy Corn and Peanuts

Mixing candy corn and peanuts in a jar and getting a taste of each one in your mouth tastes almost exactly like a PayDay candy bar. Candy corn is on sale now so try this while you can.

16. Girl Scout Cookies - Do-si-dos

These peanut butter sandwich cookies are to die for. Since you can't buy them year round, try this recipe to make your own.

17. Girl Scout Cookies - Tagalongs

These chocolate sandwich cookies have a thin layer of peanut butter in them to satisfy your craving. Try out this recipe to make your own when these aren't available to buy.

18. Puppy Chow Chex Mix

This recipe has chocolate, peanut butter, and powdered sugar mixed in together!

19. Peanut Butter Cheesecake

Making a simple peanut butter cheesecake can be topped with chocolate, caramel, fruit, or more nuts. Here is one to try.

20. Peanut Butter Milkshake

A cold and creamy treat with the peanut butter taste, and who doesn't love milkshakes? Make this milkshake your next.

21. Peanut Butter Bar Candies

These bring back memories, and are so good when you need a quick sweet snack.

22. Peanut Butter Blossoms

A peanut butter cookie with a Hershey's kiss on top. The perfect mix for a fun fall treat. Try this recipe.

23. Peanut Butter Coffee Creamer

Peanut butter can literally go in anything - even your coffee. Try this coffee creamer recipe.

24. Peanut Butter S'mores Bar

Everybody loves s'mores at this time of year, so why not put this twist on your regular s'more addiction?

25. Peanut Butter Protein Shake

For after your workout, try a protein shake filled with peanut butter. Add chocolate or bananas for a little extra flavor.

26. Peanut Butter Energy Bites

Mix peanut butter with chocolate, cereals, and much more for a quick fix and healthy option to snack on. Here is one option for you to try.

27. Peanut Butter Popcorn

Try this popcorn as the perfect snack for a cold and rainy movie night.

28. Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Pancakes/Waffles

Who doesn't love pancakes or waffles? Start your morning off with a little extra goodness by adding these flavors into the mix. Try these Peanut butter chocolate chip pancakes next.

29. Peanut Butter Fudge

Make it a smooth mixture with only peanut butter, or give it a more crunchy texture by adding nuts. Try this recipe.

30. Peanut Butter Ice Cream

When you want something cold, grab a bowl of this homemade goodness.

31. Peanut Butter Nutter Butters

Buy these from the store or make your own from this recipe.

32. Peanut Butter Bread

Bread with a peanut butter taste. Try it here.

33. Homemade Peanut Butter

If you like it plain and simple, try making your own peanut butter to use however you choose. This recipe only takes 5 minutes, and it has five variations.

Pick one or try them all? The choice is yours! After all, you have the whole month to celebrate your love for peanut butter.

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