Believe it or not, there are perks to having porcelain skin! Don't let the media tell you different. Anyone heard of #PaleGirlProbs before? Then you know exactly what I mean. Speaking as someone who has struggled with body acceptance, including my fair skin, I have found some perks of being pale along the way. So for all the other pale girls out there, this one is for you!
1. Never having to change foundation shades
Spending $30 every season for new foundation doesn't sound that fun to me.
2. A majority of the world wishes they were pale and not tan
P.S. Years ago people wanted to be pale as much as people want to be tan nowadays.
3. Getting bonus points for being a ginger.
You're like a unicorn!
4. Saving money by not getting spray tans.
Also, saving yourself from looking like Ross.
5. Being the fairest of them all.
All of the time!
6. Not having premature wrinkles.
I mean if I had to choose between looking like a porcelain doll or a leather couch, I know which I'd choose...
7. Not looking like an Oompa Loompa
8. Having freckles
Girls are trying to create them on their own freckles when we already have some. Score!
9. Parasols are super cute, right?
Cute and safe. Win-win! If Gwen Stefani can do it, we certainly can!
10. Having vampire vibes 24/7
Sparkle on, ladies!
11. We are a part of an exclusive club.
It is possible to get a tan and get darker, but it is nearly impossible to gain pale skin. You're either born with it or you're not.
12. Practically being a member of the Addams family
*snap snap*
13. When people automatically think you're Irish.
The real perk is when you actually are. Just saying.
14. Pale girls are the epitome of red lip classic.
Old Hollywood glamour ring a bell?
15. Not tanning is healthier
We all know this, but on a serious note, please wear some SPF.
16. Being delicate and dainty one minute...
17. ...And being a complete vampy bombshell the next minute.
18. Being unapologetically yourself.
Thanks for reading! To all my pale girls: keep rocking your porcelain skin! To all the girls in the world: do not be ashamed about the way you look! Whatever your skin color is, you are beautiful the way you are. Remember that.
If you know of any other #PaleGirlPerks, comment them below!