Every child says it at least once in their lives: "I can't wait to be a grownup!" Either they're sick of school or all of the various rules that come with being a child, and can't wait to grow out of their current situation. Just last week, my little brother informed me that college sounded way more fun than middle school. While he wasn't wrong, he also didn't realize that college is also way more work than middle school. Ever since coming to college, I've slowly begun realize that most of the things I looked forward to as a child had compromises that I had never thought of. Who knew being an adult was hard?
"I don't have to clean my room!"
This was always a big issue in my house. Let's just say that I am not the tidiest person, even today. My mom still routinely asks me to clean up my stuff whenever I'm home. Obviously, I was very excited as a child to never have to clean my room again. I understood that I wouldn't necessarily have to clean my room, but what I didn't get was that I would still rather do it than live in my own filth, and cleaning is much worse when nobody is making you do it but yourself.
"I don't have to eat my vegetables!"
Ha! My dad has actually stopped asking me what I want for dinner every time I come home because he knows that the answer is always "I don't care, but make sure there are lots of vegetables, please!" No, small Maddie, I don't have to eat vegetables, but I want to, and now I'm too broke to afford them. Enjoy those brussels sprouts while you can, little girl!
"I won't have to listen to my parents!"
This may be one of the most humbling parts of growing up. Gone are the days when I had to listen to my parents, or else, but I've recently started noticing that they're generally right about things. I've even started agreeing with them over my younger siblings. I think I'm getting old.
"I won't have to go to school!"
Oh, right, because having a full-time job is so much better. My brother's comment about college being fun reminded me of this. I was very tempted to point out that yeah, I don't have much school right now, but in three months I'll be working 9-5 while he's on summer break. But I decided to leave him with his innocence.
"I won't have a bed time!"
This is always one of my favorites. Of course you don't have a bedtime! But you still have to go to bed at a reasonable hour, or hate yourself the next day! This, to me, is a lot like the "I won't need to clean my room" thing, because self-monitoring your own bedtime is much worse than having a parent dictate it for you. "No no, I'll just stay on the internet for five more minutes. Oh no now it's 3 am!"
"I can buy whatever I want!"
Yeah, if you can afford it! Otherwise you have to wait until you can work some more and make the money. I think it was way easier to beg mom and dad but then get it for free.
Isn't growing up hard? I think I'm going to pass.