Donald Trump is a great man. He inspires many people everyday. Some people go to his rallies. Some people talk about him on social media sharing his speeches, and quotes about his excellency. I cannot afford to buy a lawn sign, though I wish I could. From the moment he spoke, he opened my eyes to the problems of this country. He is the only one who can save us. He is not afraid to say what is on his mind, and it is about time we had someone who stood up for American values and for the American people. He is going to make America great again with all the fantastic people he will hire once he fires Obama. So I started to think about ways I could add onto his campaign in a positive way. I do not have time to go to his rallies, and November is getting close so I had to do this fast. After many hours of thinking and plotting I finally figured out what I must do. There was one thing that kept popping into my mind when I thought of Donald J. Trump and that was "orange". I truly believe that without him being "orange" that he could not have gotten so popular so fast. Therefore I was inspired by "orange" to write this poem. I hope you like it. I know I had fun writing it.
ORANGE: A Poem Inspired By Donald Trump
Orange, orange
So much orange
How do you achieve that tint?
Do you take a bath everyday
with orange paint?
Cheeto spray?
Or do you just obtain the color
from the closest dollar store?
full of knock off self-tanners
self-tanners, galore.
I wonder if the orange
gets on your white hat
do you go through dozens?
that's a lot of caps.
When did this coloration begin?
Did you one day look in the mirror?
And say
"I'm too pale I must tan"
Did your first wife make you feel that way, man?
If I were to go to Home Depot
and pick out a shade of orange
would yours be on display?
or is it custom made?
I have a business idea for you
your own collection of self-tanners
so then your fans would adore you even more
in all your orange splendor
Was your father orange too?
Does it run in the family?
Is this a medical condition we are not aware of
or are you just a big fan of Oompa Loompas?
Orange, orange
so much orange
how do you achieve that hue?
Is it years of eating carrots?
How many?
One thousand two hundred and two?
That much beta- carotene ain't good for you.
Are you willing to share your secret?
Or were you born with it?
Lucky guy.
If you were to go into the Florida Orange orchards
Would you be hard to find?
orange, orange
so much orange
how do you get that color?
Is it full coverage foundation?
Or a light powder?
I guess it doesn't matter
when you're orange, orange, orange.