Tomi Lahren is a political commentator, conservative activist and the realest b**** you will ever meet. To some, Tomi is offensive and controversial but for others, she is an inspiration. I feel confident that I can speak for most conservative women when I say she is doing what many of us wish we had the courage to do and that is to speak up against those who try to silence us. She has given us a voice we never knew we could have. In the face of the scrutiny and hate she receives on a daily basis, she holds her head high and stands her ground. As a woman, I admire that.
I am woman enough to admit my faults and will say before stumbling across Tomi, I was a Bernie lovin' liberal. I had seen Tomi's videos shared on Facebook but like most liberals, I never took the time to listen to what she was saying. Tomi's content can be misconstrued as hateful and accusatory because she is saying things most of us don't want to hear. I would later realize if you open your ears and mind and listen, you might find yourself understanding her perspective.
Like many students, I attend a liberal university where liberals have the upper hand and they are the ones running the show. When this is your environment and you are told any other way of thinking is bigoted, it's easy to become indoctrinated. I knew I wasn't wealthy, homophobic, racist or sexist, that was the Republicans, so being a registered Democrat was a no brainer. We can thank liberal Hollywood for those stereotypes. There are bad seeds in every group but the majority of Republicans are hardworking Americans who want what's best for the country as a whole.
As my college career progressed, I found myself becoming increasingly frustrated with liberals but I never dared to question them. I have seen what happens when you do and it's not pretty. The hypocrisy was too much to bear. That is when I gave Tomi a second chance and it was like a breath of fresh air. She got my blood boiling and I went on a rampage, in a good way. I stayed up until sunrise watching other political commentators such as Ben Shaprio, Steven Crowder and Charlie Kirk. I found an entire community of supportive conservative men and women that understood me.
I have spent the majority of my young adult life as a liberal and credit my shift to conservatism to Tomi and her final thoughts. She opened a new door of ideas that I wasn't used to hearing. So, Tomi, from one conservative woman to another, I want to sincerely thank you. You have given me the courage to not only write this is but share it despite the backlash I may receive from my liberal peers. You have given me the knowledge on what conservatism is at its core and lead me to other accomplished conservative activist. I will continue to advocate for what is right and can't wait to see what the future holds for America and the "White Power Barbie."