Dear Men,
As of late, God has put you so on my heart. Not in a romantic way, but simply in awe of how good and necessary masculinity is.
Yes, I appreciate your handsome faces and strong arms, but the appreciation I feel for you is so much greater.
Over the past month, God has revealed to me a different level of masculinity. It’s astonishing, really, just how immensely beautiful masculinity is and can be.
As I kneel each day in the adoration chapel, God sends in man after man, wowing me with the awesome humility and desire for goodness that he has instilled in them.
It is only within this context, a prayerful one, that I have been blessed with eyes to see beyond the typical.
For whatever reason, I believe God has been allowing me to see with new eyes and appreciate you in a new way. I can’t pretend to know why or even how, but I do desire to tell you all of what I have been feeling.
I know women often talk about how the culture preaches false femininity, what women should look like, what is beautiful, etc. But if you want my opinion, men are often more attacked than women. What is promoted as manly is so skewed and far from truth.
Do us ladies a favor and don’t feed into this falsehood! Whether you realize it or not, and much to the chagrin of today’s feminists, we as women need strong men in this culture. We need brothers, fathers and husbands who honestly desire to become the real men that our culture is lacking.
My constant prayer has been that God reveals to all men the truth of what masculinity is; that he allows you all to see the deepest desires of your heart as originating in Christ himself; that he instills in you the grace and humility to return to the Man on the Cross each day in prayer.
I do believe that all men seek the goodness of what real masculinity is and I see you striving for that. Please trust that women notice the work you put in to becoming the stronghold the world needs.
I thank all you men who strive for goodness and virtue and, what has so touched my heart lately, I encourage you all to actively look with eyes trained to see innocence, beauty and truth. Never forget you are actually a dwelling place with a responsibility.
And for those of you men struggling, know that the person who struggles, but never stops trying, is the real saint. I admire you all the more.