Dear Drew of the Future,
I am writing this letter to show how far you have come since your college days. You always haven’t been sure of what the future holds for you, and I know now that in this time and place, I feel a lot better about my future.
I hope that you are doing well and our dreams that we have been dreaming since we were a kid have become a reality. Hopefully, you have found a girlfriend or are even engaged or married by now, but if not; there are still a lot of women out there for you.
You are probably still paying off our college loans unless you hit the lottery or landed a job that pays very well. Hopefully, you moved to Florida by now or are living in the city that is close to our heart, NYC. If you live in NYC, how is it? Overwhelming at all? And of course how do Mom and Dad feel about it? I remember the first time I ever went to NYC by myself and I had a blast, I could bet it is probably like the same feeling we had.
When I thought about writing this letter, the idea of a time capsule came to mind. I have always loved the idea of creating a time capsule and opening it years later to see memories of a past time. This is what I kind of wanted to do with the letter, but instead of burying the letter, I thought I would post it now and hope the Odyssey online is bigger than it was when I first started there. Hell, maybe you still are employed through them and get paid for writing or even editing articles. Who knows, the opportunities are endless, and you are in charge of all of them if you try to obtain them.
I know I am probably rambling on by now, and you are probably thinking, was I really that annoying? I wanted you to see where your roots started for writing and hopefully be able to hone back on these past experiences and use them now. I hope that you have never lost your roots and are still the geeky guy that everyone knew me as in college and in high school.
I want this letter to show that people should remember where they came from and all the experiences they had in the past. I know that I came from a small town about 45 minutes away from Philadelphia and went to a university that I know no one had really heard about unless they knew someone that went there.
I still want you, Future Drew, to look back on all the times in your life that influenced you on your current career path and cherish them. You have made a lot of progress since you were in high school, and you have so many accomplishments to be proud of. You probably have new accomplishments that you are proud of, and I can’t wait to see what they are.
Lastly, Future me, never lose sight of your goals. That is what I like most about ourself — is that we never lose sight of our goals and are optimistic for our future. Well, I hope that our future is what we wanted it to be and hopefully gets better and better.