Dear Mr. Trump,
As a young woman in college with sub-par appearances, I assume you have no interest in what I have to say to you. However, since you have a daughter not much older than me, I believe I have things to say that you need to hear. Young women across the nation have the same fears of your campaign and potential presidency as I do. As the election grows closer and you clench the Republican nomination, our fears grow stronger. Not only have you made sexist and derogatory comments toward women, you have also blamed us for the unjust crimes and working conditions we have faced in the past and present. While you have no problems commenting on the way we look or the way you think we act, you won't talk about the problems that are actually out there. I have many questions and concerns for you that you have refused to answer throughout the duration of your campaign.
Why do men deserve more money for the same job that women are also capable of doing?
The only time you've ever come close to addressing this issue is when you said that women would get the same amount of money as men if they did as good of a job as men do. I need to know who decides who is doing a better job. Is it you? Is it the male supervisors who only comment on my appearance and ignore how hard I've worked to get where I am? Is it the owner of the company who has no clue what goes on inside his business and assumes because I wear a skirt I'm not as smart as someone who wears a tie? Who is going to decide if I'm doing better than the guy sitting next to me?
Why is it my fault that men take advantage of me?
Apparently, if I wear the wrong clothes or act the wrong way or God forbid, marry the man, then I am agreeing to offer my body to him at anytime. You blame the crime on men's instinct. However, I know better than to make a man pleasure me if he takes off his shirt or looks at me in an inviting manner. So, why haven't we taught them to treat us with the same respect we are taught to give them? Why are there millions of classes and a ton of information on how not to get raped? Why isn't there any information or classes teaching men not to rape? We've let society teach the victim to survive, not teach the attacker to stop.
Why do I need to be beautiful to succeed?
According to you, if I don't weigh 110 pounds and look like a runway model, I won't be useful in this world. You constantly speak about how these reporters who interview you wouldn't have their jobs if they didn't look the way they did. Why does my beauty determine my ability to do a job? Who are you to decide if I'm pretty enough for the job? Who gets to decide if I'm physically appealing enough to write an article or interview a politician such as yourself?
All these questions need to be answered, and for someone who is apparently going to "make America great again," you aren't off to a great start.