Dear Little Brothers,
You are now a senior in high school and it's so hard to believe.. I remember when we were little kids and would run around tormenting mom and dad, playing tag in the backyard, climbing the big tree behind our house and riding bikes in the street until moms face turned blue from telling us to "get the hell out of the road!" And now you're about to graduate high school, pick a college and start a whole new chapter in your life. You're going to have girlfriends (none of them will be good enough by the way), new friends and new opinions on life. All I ask of you is one thing, as you start this new chapter in your life, don't lose the spark that makes you who you are. You've always been this spunky, outgoing and opinionated kid and that's what I love most about you. As the big sister, I'm supposed to be controlling and annoying and even sometimes parental, but that's just my job. You're growing into a handsome young man now and I'm so proud of you.
You're now a freshman in high school and you're also growing up way too fast. You've always been a quiet, somewhat shy kid with strong opinions. As you start your new journey as a high school student, always remember to keep your head held high. There are going to be people who try to bring you down. DON'T let them! You are such a strong, independent kid and I don't ever want you to lose your spark. I love you so much and you will always be my baby brother. I promise I will always do everything in my power to protect you even though you're now taller and stronger than me. I hate that you're growing up so fast but that's just a part of life. We argue and fight a lot but I promise that I will love you until the day I die and then some after. I will always be your big sister, your protector and your best friend. You have a lot to learn as you grow up and I can't give you the answers to everything. The best piece of advice I can give you is: life is a bitch, but keep your goals high and your head higher. I love you kiddo, good luck in this new journey.
Your big sister in another state