Yo, Kirk Cameron – shut the %#&@ up.
I guess I should have expected something like this from Mike Seaver. It seems as if any child of Alan Thicke – whether biological or theatrical – grows up to be a raging sexist. Good for you; you're not afraid to share your beliefs. Even if I disagree, you still hold your right to share them. However, I also reserve my right to tell you to shut up. You do not identify as a woman, so please, stop telling us how to be one.
News broke that you – the lovable, yet womanizing pre-JTT heartthrob from "Growing Pains" – encourage women to "submit" to their husbands.
“Wives are to honor and respect and follow their husband’s lead, not to tell their husband how he ought to be a better husband,” you said (via Raw Story). “When each person gets their part right, regardless of how their spouse is treating them, there is hope for real change in their marriage.”
First, let's reflect on this social constructed idea that women are meant to be submissive. For anyone assigned female at birth (whether or not they identify with that today), we are prevented from doing certain things because "[we're] a girl."
"Girl" is typically associated with femininity; "femininity" is typically associated with weakness. "Boy" is typically associated with masculinity; "masculinity" is typically associated with dominance. If a man shows those traits, he's labeled "gay." If a woman displays more masculine characteristics, she's objectified. In case you haven't realized this already, Kirk, everything is about men. Always. According to you, relationships are still always about men ... so if a woman refuses to submit to her husband, what's her/their punishment?
All right, I'm only 22. I've never been married, and I don't plan to make that sort of commitment for a long time. If I marry a man, don't you agree that the relationship will work better if we work as a team? Y'know, we're all in this together and stuff? Did "High School Musical" teach you anything?
This archaic idea of yours is what leads to our hyper-masculinized society. If we don't actively pursue a solution – sometimes it's that scary "f" word, not that your lips ever utter it without revulsion – to breed a more egalitarian, inclusive approach, women cannot and will not progress. But, it's pretty evident: you might love your wife, but you're also a giant sexist.
Feel free to read the Bible all you want and have a relationship with your wife where she submits to you; it's not my job to tell you how to live your life. However, it's also not your job to dictate how other couples – whether or not they're "traditional" – perform their relationship.
So, in conclusion, Mr. Cameron: shut the %#&@ up. Also, let me reiterate: you do not identify as a woman ... so please, do not instruct us on how to be one.
And to all my female-identifying pals who are in serious relationships, engaged, married, etc. You're strong and powerful and I believe in you. Don't let misogynistic garbage like this guide your relationship, whether or not you're in one with a cis man. Hypermasculinity is toxic. We are much more than what society wants us to be.