On one Tuesday in September 15 years ago, the world would change in a matter of hours and terrorism would take center stage as a household name. Although I was five years old, that day is somehow seared into my memory. I fear that people have lost the true meaning of September 11th, 2001.
What I remember from that day is watching the TV when I got home from kindergarten and not knowing why there were two buildings on fire in a place so far from my home. It was not until Wednesday, September 12th, 2001 that my mom told me what had happened the day prior because the store we were at had a moment of silence for those who died, and I had asked her why.
Many people chose their career fields based on their interests or an event that impacted them. As for me, that event is September 11th, 2001; although I have changed what exactly I wanted to do, it has always been to serve the American people and to defend this country. So this September 11th, show patriotism, feel grateful for things you have, the freedoms that we have, and most importantly, remember those who lives were ended and the lives that have been changed forever.