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Alabama Cribs: The Hottest Spots To Live In Tuscaloosa After Getting The On-Campus Experience

Dear Freshman and RAs, you're blessed. Take advantage of the dorm life while you can because you're living the luxury life as far as the rest of us are concerned.

Alabama Cribs: The Hottest Spots To Live In Tuscaloosa After Getting The On-Campus Experience
Taryn Leighton

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Around this time of year, a lot of students are looking to transition off campus for future housing. Some students are stuck looking on the Facebook student ticket exchange or looking at all the advertisements and overflow of emails from all these apartments around town to live at. Provided just for you is a quick guide that lists some of the most popular places to live in the Tuscaloosa area that vary from location and price for your next adventures here in Tuscaloosa.

The Hub 

Rooftop pool with a clear view of Bryant Denny? Count me in. The Hub is a brand new apartment complex right on the strip that allows students to walk to campus and have access to plenty of bars and restaurants.

East Edge

Another complex close to campus, East Edge has a lot of space and amenities for students to take advantage of. From free snacks in the leasing office to yard area to walk your pups, this is a great spot to live.

The Lofts at City Center

Right in the heart of Midtown, The Lofts is a large complex that comes with several amenities including a pool, work out room, tanning rooms, and a second pool located at the other building.

The Cottages

One of the further locations from campus, The Cottages at Lake Tamaha is a whole community of individual houses. They are the cutest spots in Tuscaloosa, but it depends if you want to make the commute to campus or not. Not to mention the pool is LUXURIOUS.

University House

Located fairly close to campus as well, University House is one of the nicer apartment complexes that is also a little higher in price range each month. It is a great central location if you want to go to the strip, downtown, campus, or midtown, so it's a good option if you can afford it.

Houndstooth Condominiums 

Walking into this complex feels very cozy. Two advantages are for sure the 24-hour workout center and being a 3-minute drive to Taco Bell.


Finding a roommate sometimes gets tricky and if you want to secure a place to live and not have to worry about the roommate situation definitely consider The Woodlands. They have roommate matching and options for everyone to still have a perfectly comfortable place to live.

University Downs 

Yes. The place beside cookout. Convenient right? The layouts vary depending on which condo you choose, but they all come with a huge amount of space and WiFi is included in your rent which is a HUGE advantage to all college students.

Crimson Student Living 

Sure, it's a little further from campus, but if you want to have some space away from the hustle and bustle of the Crimson Rides then this is a place you should definitely consider. They also have two dog parks that are fenced in by the pool!

Consider getting a house

Not into the whole apartment style life? You can get a house at any time. People are renting, leasing, and looking for roommates all year long all around Tuscaloosa, so if you want to skip the whole process of apartment or condo hunting, this is the choice for you.

Happy apartment hunting!

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sex and the city
Warner Bros. Television

1. You don't have to feel guilty about flirting with customers for tips (or just for shits and giggles).

2. You can be obnoxiously flirtatious with anyone you want. You are free to be that girl that flirts with everybody and makes 'em all smile (it's especially fun when the guy is as cute as Collin Jost). No shame.

3. Making random men nervous with your superior beauty and intense eye contact just for the hell of it is really amusing and empowering.

4. No one gives two poops if ya legs are hairy (your man shouldn't either but *Kermit the Frog meme* That's none of my business)

5. The toilet seat will remain down.

6. There's more money to spend on yourself.

7. There's always this secret butterfly in your tummy that marvels at the possibility that when you go out this weekend you're gonna meet someone super handsome/wonderful/prince-like and have this moment of dazzling dalliance.

8. Nothing is that can take it all with a grain of don't owe anybody anything.

9. You can dance with anyone and everyone...or no one (Hello frat boi w/ glasses, I see you).

10. You don't have to fluff anyone's ego but your own.

11. Free drinks and dinners from single guys (It's not taking advantage if they're offering; a girl's gotta eat).

12. You have more time to learn how to love and improve yourself rather than constantly pouring your energy into another person.

13. You don't have to sacrifice your cheesy Jen Aniston rom-coms and Gilmore Girls for his Fast and Furious/other dumb action movie featuring blonde that is only in the movie to supply a relationship to the male lead and to make him look more masculine/empowered in juxtaposition (In other words, you don't have to deal with a guy being a crabby Patty while you watch your cute movies).

14. You can daydream about what your future husband may be doing right now (and not get stressed/guilty out because you're not picturing your current boyfriend that's crazy about you as your future husband).

15. There is more time to be spent with your girlfriends.

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