Ahh, nostalgia. As a kid, you could not wait to grow up and be an "adult." However, the older you get, the less you really want to accept the adult responsibilities being forced upon you. So much about the future is uncertain, and in addition to that you are on your own in that uncertainty. As a kid, there wasn't too much to worry about and life was so much simpler because of it. As you grow up, the impending pressures to get a job, figure out life and navigate being on your own can cause a lot of stress. Instead of curling up into a ball and literally reverting into a childlike state, try this.
Nostalgia is something everyone holds near and dear to their heart. A movie can remind you of sleepovers you had with your best friends, and a song can remind you of your high school sweetheart. Some of these memories can be negative, but when life gets you down and you yearn for childlike simplicity, this is the way to go. Make playlists for different eras of your life. Have a classic rock playlist to jam to with your dad, and an 80's hit playlist to dance along to while baking with your mom. Appreciating their personal nostalgia and realizing how well-adjusted they've become can reassure you that your current worries are minimal. In a similar sense, make a throwback playlist for yourself. Jam with your childhood besties on breaks from school and bond with new college friends about obscure songs you thought only you knew. Knowing someone shares the same taste in music can make way for new friendships and possible concert buddies. If life has got you stressed out, you know you'll have someone to scream Hilary Duff lyrics with until the panic seems less severe.
Another way to comfort yourself with nostalgia is a movie or a television marathon. Rewatching a childhood favorite can be amusing or eye opening, especially since you have grown so much since the first time you watched it. The special effects in an older movie may be laughable, and the dialogue may be cheesy. However, maybe the film holds up and you find that you've been missing out by not re-watching. Watch the movie or the show with the people who you first saw it with, and share memories related to the first time you all watched. A "High School Musical" viewing party is never a bad idea, and being reminded of where you were back when the obsession began can take a load off your current situation, especially if your biggest worry isn't whether or not Gabriella is going to move away from Troy, like it once was.
A final way to incorporate nostalgia is to simply reminisce. Open up a photo album or pour over old classwork. Do your best to keep cool school projects, or a funny letter you wrote to a friend or a family member. Find ways to preserve important memories, because it will help you keep your sanity. As you grow older, memories will still happen, but the ache you feel for childhood innocence may creep in as well.
As a college student, you are in limbo between adolescence and the rest of your life. Instead of fearing inevitable adulthood, or wishing you could be a child again, find ways to balance the two. When you visit home, watch old VHS tapes of you and your siblings at Christmas. Text your friends embarrassing photos that appear on your Timehop, and look forward to your favorite boyband's reunion tours. Growing up means accepting a lot of things, and while one of these things may be your childhood's end, you can find small ways to keep it alive without it consuming you completely.