11. Albany? Where is that? | The Odyssey Online
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20 Comments You've Definitely Heard If You're From New York, But You Don't Live In NYC

"No, I don't live in the city, and yes, James Charles grew up 10 minutes from me."

20 Comments You've Definitely Heard If You're From New York, But You Don't Live In NYC

There are just certain things that New Yorkers are bound to be asked at least once in their lives. To summarize, yes Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt both filmed movies upstate, no, I don't have a Brooklyn accent, and yes, the winters get frigid. Here is a more detailed list of questions that true New Yorkers will be asked:

1. Wait, so you don't live in the City?


Believe it or not, New York state includes more than just New York City.

2. Doesn't it get, like, really cold?


Yes, actually. The last winter we had came in at a whole 16 degrees which is well below freezing.

3. Isn't your pizza really good?


Somehow, no other state can make pizza like NY. It must be the Hudson River water.

4. Do you have to take the subway everywhere?


Again, not everywhere is the City. The subway doesn't even exist in most parts of NY.

5. Why don't you have an accent?


Usually only people in the City or natives of the City have an accent.

6. Are all New Yorkers agressive drivers?


Easy answer: yes.

7. Do you like the Yankees?


There is a constant rivalry between the Mets and the Yankees but everyone knows that true New Yorkers root for the Yanks.

8. Is it true that James Charles is from New York?


Yes, and he grew up and went to school 10 minutes from where I live.

9. Did you know Salt with Angelina Jolie was filmed in New York?


More specifically, it was filmed in Albany near the Interstate 787 highway - basically in my backyard.

10. AND The Place Beyond the Pines with Ryan Gosling??


The ice cream shop scene was filmed in a little town called Schenectady that I used to walk to after school and the diner scene was filmed at a place walking distance from my house. Pretty cool, I know.

11. Albany? Where is that?


Only the capital of the entire state...

12. Okay so if you don't LIVE in the City, how often do you go?


Not often; most upstaters aren't a huge fan.

13. Which football team do you root for?


Jets, Giants, Bills, or Patriots (New England, not New York, but still an option)?

14. What's "SUNY?"


"State University of New York" which includes (but isn't limited to) SUNY Albany, SUNY Adirondack, SUNY Cobleskill, SUNY Oneonta, SUNY Cortland, and SUNY Canton.

15. Why did your license plate change colors?


I honestly don't want to talk about it (and no one else does either).

16. What's Stewart's?


Only the best ice cream shop ever - that's connected to a gas station.

17. Why is apple picking such a big deal to you?


New York has the best apples and apple picking is a sacred tradition - no questions asked.

18. Why do you always lock your car and house?


First of all, it's safe. Second of all, New Yorkers are crazy.

19. Who is Billy Fuccillo?


Look up "HUUUUUUUGE New York commercial" on YouTube to find out.

20. Wait, isn't the Saratoga Race Course famous?


It's only the place where famous people go every summer to act boujee, burn money, and wear fancy hats.

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