The new year can be thought of as a book. A twelve chapter, 365-page book of new beginnings, adventures, and memories. It can be a time to either completely reinvent yourself or continue working towards the things that you've already put in motion for yourself. 2017 was a great year for me, I had a lot of personal growth and made great strides towards the things I want for myself. However, there were some things I was slacking on. In 2018, I plan to fix those things. With that being said, here are the eight things I want to do in 2018.
1. Drink more water
My water intake was nowhere near where it should've been this past year. So in 2018, I'm striving for a gallon a day.
2. Be more organized
I tried to maneuver most of 2017 without a planner and boy was that a huge mistake. This year I'm going to use a planner and a desk calendar to make sure I stay on track with everything I need to do.
3. Get back in the gym.
Before I moved to Ypsilanti for school, I used to hit the gym quite often with my friend Bailey. Once I got up here, I lost motivation and was "too busy" but this year I plan on changing that.
4. Let go of all anger and negativity.
I try to be a happy and positive person at all times. Unfortunately, there were a few situations where I couldn't be that person. In 2018, I'm not letting anybody get the best of me. Positive mind, positive vibes, positive life.
5. Pay off my credit card.
Having a higher credit score as well as one less bill to pay sounds nothing short of amazing.
6. Get another tattoo.
It's been two years since I've gotten my first tattoo and I've wanted another one ever since.
7. Get a well-paying job.
Money isn't everything, however, life is expensive and I want to know what it's like to have some leftover money after paying bills.
8. Get more sleep.
I'm tired of being tired all the time. This year there'll hopefully be no more going to sleep four hours before my alarm is set to go off.
These are just a few things I hope to get out of 2018 and I'm hoping for many more. Let's take 2018 by the horns and make it the best year yet!