Taking The Weight Off The Idea Of Needing To Lose Weight
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Health and Wellness

Taking The Weight Off The Idea Of Needing To Lose Weight

Discovering a life that sustains YOU. A lifestyle that is the healthiest, happiest and truest version of YOU.

Taking The Weight Off The Idea Of Needing To Lose Weight
Brooke Lark

“And I said to my body, softly. ‘I want to be your friend’. It took a deep breath and replied. ‘I have been waiting my whole life for this’. –Nayyirah Waheed

As each New Year rolls around there's a common theme with people's resolutions. This theme revolving around the concept of body image and trying to lose something... to lose the weight, the cellulite, the baby fat, the wrinkles, losing calorie intake or restricting foods. But what if we approached this differently? Instead of doing the opposite. What if instead, the resolution is to make it a goal to GAIN a healthy mindset and way of living?

To gain knowledge about our bodies and how to properly care for them. To gain a passion for physical activities that we actually enjoy? To experience and expand our horizons to different food options that will help us gain more essential nutrients and obtaining the proper/ideal function of our bodies to make the most out of our day to day life? And to gain a sense of love and acceptance towards ourselves and others?

It’s not necessarily about losing the weight… but discovering a life that sustains YOU. A lifestyle that allows for you to be the healthiest, happiest and truest version of yourself. The change truly happens when we stop looking at our outward appearance and what we think we ‘need’ to look like and change our mindset. Allowing ourselves to internalize the truths and the fact the Lord uniquely made and gave each of us our bodies. Designing every one of us with purpose, a purpose much greater than losing weight or getting rid of the things we see as ugly, but He sees as beautiful, in which they truly are.

The greatest gift we can give ourselves is to let go of these images in our minds, to show grace to ourselves and embrace our bodies, flaws and all, to the fullest. Honoring Him by caring for our bodies not only physically but also mentally and spiritually. When we start with our mental and spiritual health that’s what leads to the greatest change. The difference you’ve been looking for, leaving a lasting impact on how you live and view your life. When you change your mindset and allow the truths and love from the Lord to fill your mind the external concerns will start to fade, those distorted glasses you’ve been wearing for years will fall off, revealing the true, strong, and capable you that has been lurking within your whole life. The you that can live a healthy and fulfilling life.

There is a difference between losing weight and living a healthy life. Typically when someone sets their resolution to lose weight it can often time leads to frustration, a decrease in self-confidence, discouragement, and overall disappointment. According to US News, about 80% of resolutions fail, this being due to many reasons, but one of the biggest is because of the large changes attempted all at once in a short matter of time. People so often try to completely cut themselves off from certain foods, drinks or snacks they enjoy, force themselves into a gym membership and exercises they hate. It’s all demoralizing, beginning to feel worn down and even a bit depressed because of this massive change that often times results in unhealthy restrictions and deprivation. So why continue doing this to ourselves? This pattern has been going on and on for years so maybe it’s time for a different approach, the approach where we take time to really care of ourselves and well-being and create for a healthy lifestyle that fits us individually.

“I hope one day your human body is not a jail cell. Instead, it’s a sunny 2 p.m. garden with daisies, thriving because of self-love.” – Recovery Warriors

The definition of health is “the state of being free from illness or injury”. Nowhere in there does it say free of cellulite or a little extra baby fat. Nowhere in that definition does it say a BMI of 18.5 or having a six-pack. Health isn’t based on appearance, it goes much deeper. It means living a life where you are well, where you take preventatives and precaution to care for your body by avoiding things that could cause illness of injuries.

Striving towards a healthy life is more than just physical maintenance but also includes your mental and spiritual state. All three of these play into each other and if one is missing then the other two suffer. This is why it’s so important to understand the concept of moderation, in which is a subject that can be applied to anything in life. Having too much or too little of something can be detrimental, especially to our health.

If we are too critical and judgmental of ourselves this affects not only of mental health but our spiritual as well because it causes us to doubt Gods beautiful creation of ourselves. If we restrict on our favorite foods it has a negative effect on our mental state and vice versa is we rely on those foods. Even with physical activity if we get too much or too little it can have harmful effects on all three states as well. Moderation is so very important it helps create and teach us balance within our lives.

Striving for healthy shouldn’t be a burden, it’s not something to dread or something to fear. Your health is important and specific to you. No one’s definition of what healthy looks like is exactly the same and guess what! That’s completely okay! Deep down each of us knows what’s best for ourselves, what our bodies are telling us and how we need to take care of them. No one’s needs are exactly the same, just as no one’s definition of healthy is the same.

“Healthy doesn’t mean a salad. Healthy isn’t a measure of weight. Being healthy involves your mind, spirit, and heart just as much as it involves your body. Each person’s version of healthy is different.” – Circles of Change

So this year live for you, live a life that is fulfilling and glorifying to the One who has created your unique shape and beautiful curve that makes you, you. Have the piece of cake, go ahead and skip the gym and do an activity YOU love, don’t look back at the magazine screaming lies but just keep walking forward towards your goal of healthy!

Yeah, you’ll have days where you’re just exhausted and that’s alright because it means you need REST, not to ignore it and go to the gym, but to relax and care for yourself. You may gain a pound or two after taking up an activity you love but that’s because of the muscle being built, the strength you so rightfully have earned by doing something you love, don’t dismiss it or shame it, be proud of it! Oh and those stretch marks that made a way for your muscle? Wear those like a medal, because that’s what they are, they reveal strength, a story, a moment of growth.

“Even the moon, the master of the sea, illuminator of the night; has his craters.” –L.K

Your body was designed for something much more than putting yourself in imprisonment to the idea of the unattainable or to look like someone you’re not. Your body is strong and capable, full of life and purpose. It can take you on the craziest journeys and amaze you with its abilities. It is the home that holds your soul and memories that stay with you for a lifetime. It’s a place you should find peace with, a vessel you should value and embrace because this is the only one you get and the only body that will ever exist. Your body is yours and the only one who can truly care for it and bring it to its healthiest state is you. So how about we approach our bodies differently this year, in a way that is true and rejuvenating to ourselves.

“This body has carried me to faraway places, climbed mountains and surfed through salty seas. It has known great pleasure and pain. It has been good to me. It is my turn to return the favor”. – Simone Lisa

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