Recently, a close friend of mine had a post on Facebook that made me look back on this past year. He posted, “2015 has taught me that you outgrow people and it’s okay.”
What I did not notice until then, was that majority of the people I had spent wishing “Happy New Year” with/to are not the same people I plan to spend the beginning of the New Year with, and as he said, it’s okay. For me, 2015 was a year of learning, of changes, and of beginnings - with maybe a little too many experiences to learn from 😉 But when I look back on 2015, all I see are the highlights - I graduated from high school, got into the university I loved (which I am now attending) and haven’t gained freshman 15 YET (need to keep an eye on that).
So to those that have remained in my life from one year to the next:
Thanks for Growing with Me
I know I can be a handful, either with my weird sarcastic humor or love of Harry Potter & Snoopy, but thanks for sticking around this long
That Means I'm Probably the Cause of Any Weight Gain You've Had
Of course every time we meet up I make you eat, food is the only thing that interests me other than you, obviously. So thanks for letting me take the responsibility of keeping you nourished ❤️
I will always be here for you.We only know what has happened in the past, but we have no idea what’s in store for the future. If you ever need someone to talk to or something to let off of your chest, let me know! You are never alone.
You probably have dozens of gross screenshots of my snapchats to you.
Those are just little bits of love, and don’t you dare put them on any social media - they’re obviously sent with much thought and I’d hate to see you discard the love i send you 💔
Don’t forget to call
Next year may be better, or it may be worse. I want you to know [insert your name here], that if you don’t hear from me as often as you’d like, CALL ME. I don’t know what will happen, but I would not have forgotten about you, and when you call me I’ll probably be attempting to balance 1239082 things in my crazy life. But CALL ME.
I am and always will be your Netflix (and Hulu) guide
Interested in starting a new show? You know I’ve definitely watched it. But I mean of course only during free time 😎
I guess you’re a little weird too
I mean let’s be real, if you’re crazy enough to stick around me this long, you’ve gotta be a little kooky too.