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New Year, New Mindset

"... just because the glitz is gone, doesn't mean that you can't be glitzy in your own way."

New Year, New Mindset

The other day, I read an incredible article titled "Crazy for You" in the January 2015 issue of Vogue. Based around a girl who stepped (way) out of her comfort zone to go after what she wanted instead of admiring it from afar, the article really spoke to me. While the situation ultimately didn't work out for the girl, she gained the knowledge that she could create her own world by refusing to live in a stagnant reality. I think that everyone needs to realize this in the upcoming year. 

One of the most powerful lines in the article was, "Not fearless, just emboldened by fear." People are usually weary to take risks because of the fear of failure. However, if people took on this mindset of channeling their fears into energy and motivation, think of how many more accomplishments and life-changes this would create. How many medical cures, literary masterpieces or successful people would come to life?

Every year, images similar to this go up all over social media sites:

Having hope for the new year is important and the right start to a great mindset, but how many people will post something like this and then wait around for great things to happen without any action? 

If you really think about it, many people's resolutions are the things that they really want most in life: a healthier body, a happier life, love, success and other similar things. They are things that people have wanted forever but told themselves that they are too busy for. Then whenever they get free time, they watch hours of television and binge on junk food. It's just a constant cycle of denial and fear that prevents anything new from happening.

Maybe it's human nature to be overly optimistic during a holiday of gold glitter and sparkling lights and then return to monotony when life goes back to its matte color. New Year's Eve and basically the entire month of January seem so promising because they are an excuse for people to start anew. People have a solid, concrete date when they can say "Today, I will ____." Once February hits and the year starts to feel natural again, many people put all of the hopes and resolutions they made right back on the back burner where they have sat for years and years.

I think that most people, myself included, need to realize that just because the glitz is gone, doesn't mean that you can't be glitzy in your own way. Miracles do happen, but what if the miracle you were given is your ability to do something that you're not doing?

I challenge you, friends, to stop reading this and go workout, start the blog you've been dying to create or do whatever it is you've been putting off for a while now. You can't repeatedly suppress the ideas in the back of your mind and then justify your regrets when you realize that time is not infinite. Stop waiting for the perfect time to start living and realize that the perfect time is right now.

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