It is second semester. Yeah, I know. Tell me something I don’t know, Davis, before you decide to not read the rest of this article (and god bless you for somehow falling into my trap). Before you go skipping to your next article that you’re just reading to kill time hear me out.
This is going to be the best semester of your life. Seems simple right? You have a break and you come back refreshed and ready to get going on the new semester, you come back from explaining to your parents why you didn’t go to your chemistry class because you spent more time having chemistry with that new cute boy or girl that lives across the hall.
It seems like everyone I have talked to over Christmas break is having a rough time with something: grades, family life, friends, work and, of course, love life. I know this seems stupid, and everything, but this semester will be different. It is a new year, with new people; hell I met my best friend this time last year on complete accident. This is your semester.
Some people just need a pep talk, and to those people -- zone everything out and just kind of focus in for this last paragraph. Y’all ready? Step into my office space here and lay down on the couch.
OK, OK -- I know your life seems like it sucks. We all have been there; we have all had that really bad semester. Look at me, for example. My spring semester my freshman year I posted a really healthy 2.1 GPA. A few summer classes, and I got it afloat.
So you had a bad semester? So what? You went to the bottom, and now you’re back on the rise and you’re better now. You had a bunch of hard classes, you messed up a few tests, maybe went to the bars one too many. You’re good my friend, you’re completely fine. That dream job of yours isn’t going to not hire you because you had one bad semester in college, it happens people get that.
OK, but you can’t just do the same things you did last semester. Oh, no! Learn from your mistakes and let's get this train back on track. Go find the library -- yeah, your school has a library. Didn’t know that did you? Maybe go check that place out.
Have fun, really this semester is going to be boatloads of fun, but take a breath every once awhile, set goals, meet them, we got this. OK, now take a breath, count to three close your eyes relax, everything is going to be OK, I promise. And you know what? If you fail out this semester, I heard Kroger is hiring.