4. Trying to make friends with your roommates. | The Odyssey Online
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5 Things New Roommates Experience During The First Few Weeks Of School

New living situations are scary, but with the right people, you'll feel right at home.

5 Things New Roommates Experience During The First Few Weeks Of School
Kristlyn Taylor

Previously, I discussed my first encounter with roommate matching and yet again, it has worked in my favor. Here are five things most people probably encounter or feel during their adjusting period.

1. Discussing move-in and all the items needed for the common area.

Lucky for me, my complex matched me with my roommates quite early so that we could get a head start on figuring out what all we needed for the apartment. We also used this as a way to get to know each other and have a better idea of everyone's schedules and what they're involved. My roommates and I are all incredibly busy between school and work. It's important to discuss what you are all OK with and not OK with, that way issues are avoided and everyone stays happy.

2. Adjusting to living with new strangers.

Moving into a new place with new people terrified me and I was scared it wasn't going to feel like home. Thankfully my roommates made me feel so comfortable and I could be myself. Now that school is in full swing, we all have crazy schedules and we're always blowing and going. I think the only time we all might be in the apartment at once is late at night. I tend to be a night owl but I have adjusted my habits so that I don't disturb my roommates, though I typically work until semi-late so I sometimes don't have another choice other than to cook or do laundry late when I get home.

3. Figuring out how to store your groceries. 

Personally, I love to cook which requires quite a bit of space to store my groceries. With four roommates and one refrigerator, it tends to be a difficult task. We basically divided the fridge into four sections and each person got a section, same thing for the freezer. Our apartment had basically no storage so one of my roommates brought an over the door rack and my parents let us borrow their hutch, which for me has been a blessing storage wise.

4. Trying to make friends with your roommates.

Everyone tells me that I make friends easily, but I do not see that. I know when I think about introducing myself to someone, I immediately start thinking about how they probably didn't even want me to talk to them in the first place. My roommates have made it an easy transition and make me feel so welcome, I could not have been matched with a better group of girls. On the first night in the apartment, we all ended up going out and getting frozen yogurt just so we could hang out for the first time in person.

5. If you have multiple animals in the apartment, just pray they get along.

This is a scary one. Worst case scenario, you have to keep your pup or cat locked up all day, even when you're home. Best case scenario, they become instant best friends and love to play with each other. My current roommate has a beautiful standard Aussie named Whiskey who is very energetic and playful. When Peppa met him for the first time, she was pretty spooked and kept nervous tinkling, but once she got used to him they were able to play and rough house.

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