Being the middle child and the only brother in a family may sound like a real struggle, but it's actually the furthest thing from that. My younger sister, easily the funniest person I've ever come across, and my older sister, who has the most beautiful soul in the world, have been the biggest blessings in my life and I could not be any prouder to call them my sisters. Being my biggest critics but also my greatest supporters, I owe them so incredibly much. And because our favorite show is "The Office," I can't think of a better way to pay tribute to them other than this.
When I try to do something nice for my sisters but it just ends up being a disaster (this article).
But they still always manage to get me the most perfect gifts.
And then they bring home the loser boyfriend, so then I'm sure to let him know exactly where he stands.
And they eventually tell Mom and Dad at the dinner table.
Yet we still try to be on our best behavior for Mom and Dad.
But the next time I get to see them...