It's been about four weeks since I've been back at school. I have honestly learned so much and have changed so much since I started. I'm gradually beginning to see the world in a new perspective - that I need to cherish every moment and always give myself "me" time. It doesn't always have to be spending time by myself locked up in my room or anything like that, however. It's nice to spend time with those you love, doing the things that you love.
I'm honestly much happier with how my life is going at the current moment, and it makes me very hopeful for this year. Even though I feel like I'm involved in a lot of stuff, I actually enjoy doing it. This year I have set personal goals for myself, and I've decided that I need to just take risks this year and have fun, especially while I'm young.
Last weekend, I spent the weekend with people that mean a lot to me, people I honestly consider to be family. They have been there for me at my low points and high points in life. I traveled to the Bay Area and spent time with them. I wanted to write this last weekend, but my laptop died on the trip and I forgot my charger back home. I can say, however, that I the adventure I had with them was definitely a memory I will keep.
Going out and just getting away from school and everything else happening in life, I had the most fun I have had in a long time. Taking chances like this are very important, especially to young college students.
Today most college students are very stressed because classes are hard, and there's always an assignment due at midnight. They also have to balance that on top of having a social life, and if they work, then they also have a busy work schedule. With all of this going on, the one thing most college students forget to do is to take care of themselves - not in the sense of watching what you eat or what you do, but mentally.
Mental health isn't really talked about as much as it should be. I remember last semester I was stressed out because I was overly involved and taking 20 units. Crazy, huh? This year I'm still kind of overly involved, but I'm at 14 units instead. The difference is that this year when I started to plan my semester, I purposefully added in breaks for "me" time.
This actually helps me because I allow myself time to do the things that I want to do, without having to worry about the things that can cause me stress. I'll use this weekend as an example. I spent my Friday night chilling and talking with my friends who I haven't seen in a while. Then Saturday I decided to go the annual school pool party. I've never been to it before, but man, it was a great experience. Afterwards, I decided to just come back to my room and finish this article as well, and just relax for the rest of the day before I went to dinner with friends.
I just hope that for the rest of the semester I can actually still keep up with my own time, and be able to remain mentally healthy.