My Juice Cleanse Journey: Part One
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Health and Wellness

My Juice Cleanse Journey: Part One

I signed up for a three day juice cleanse and I am excited to share my experience.

My Juice Cleanse Journey: Part One
HealthImage by marijana1 from Pixabay y Juice

I will be the first to admit that I do not follow the healthiest of habits when it comes to proper dieting and exercise. Unfortunately, the idea of going for a run or spending hours in the gym has always baffled me. There are times where I feel as though I simply cannot keep up when it comes to taking care of my body on a physical level, so I often opt out of exercising all together and settle for a nice evening of wine and takeout on my couch. Though, as of recent, I have started to feel sluggish and unmotivated, longing to feel like my best self before the school year starts but feeling hopeless to find an alternative to help me. That ends today.

For the past week, I have been working hard to cut out sugar and a significant amount of dairy from my diet. I've come to realize I will never be able to follow a strict diet (i.e. keto, vegan, vegetarian) religiously because I often lose interest and motivation in these sorts of lifestyle changes quickly. Yet, I have recently been working hard to follow a TeaTox program that is beginning to change my life. In combination with a vast change in diet and the TeaTox program itself, I have already begun to lose inches from my waist and decrease bloating - and it feels amazing.

It was not until a few days ago that my friend suggested making an attempt at a juice cleanse that she has raved about in order to complete a total cleanse of my body. At first, I rejected the idea altogether due to the fact I believe it is unhealthy to go without eating. Yet, after researching this specific program, I decided to sign up for their shortest and simplest three day juice cleanse. I have found that it provides all of the necessary nutrients to keep you functioning properly, all while cleansing your body and attempting to reset it into a state of ketosis. I looked into all that the cleanse will supposedly do for the body and, though nothing will be completely life changing after three days of drinking juice, I was excited to see the results consisted of clearer skin, better energy levels, weight loss and improved sleeping patterns. I have now decided to take this matter into my own hands to decipher if the benefits of a juice cleanse are fact or fiction.

Due to my persistent lack of motivation in this category, I cannot promise myself that I will be able to follow this cleanse properly, or even all the way through. Yet, as day one is finally here, I am looking forward to giving it my best shot and sharing my experience post cleanse.

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