The Graduation Speech We Should Have Heard
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Student Life

The Graduation Speech You Should Have heard

I'm saying it now.

Quincy Bouldin / Flickr

I was digging through my inbox, deleting emails from years ago. I stumbled upon the email where students were invited to compete against each other to give the graduation speech. I thought about the speeches I did hear. Both were amazingly written...but both were all about the past four years all us students had shared. Both were about the memories we students should never have let go of from high school.

And then, my thoughts took the turn onto a road where I wished I had heard a speech that would celebrate and embrace the future ahead of me. A speech that told me to hold nothing back.

All of a sudden, I found myself writing the speech I wish I had heard. The speech I would say had I been given the chance to travel back in time.

Here we go.

"Fear can wrap us in its ugly arms and never let us go. And it can make us feel powerless, worthless, and, well…hopeless…but I want to share with you all today, how we must never think this embrace is more powerful than our hearts, our strength of mind, and our ability to be unafraid.

What is happening in the world today is scary. In fact, it's terrifying. And sometimes it feels like there's nothing we can do but sit back and remain silent.

But that's not something we must adhere to. Each one of us possesses the potential to have a profound voice in this society, to be a force of good among society, and to rise above any challenge and see to it that lives are touched with moments of heart and soul—moments where we are not afraid to be ourselves, not afraid to go after our dreams, not afraid to stand up to anyone who tells us we can't do something, not afraid to live this life that many out there wish to steal. Life is too short to live in fear.

I would like you to think of three things that you are afraid of. And I don't mean metaphysical forces like death…or a bad grade. I want you to think of three things that you are afraid of doing, afraid of saying—something you've wanted to pursue but didn't because of some kind of fear.

Now, I will let you in on a little secret. You are, essentially, the only person who has gotten in your way. You are the one who let your fear conquer you. You are the foot in your own door to fulfillment.

Don't let terror strike fear into you, don't let the societal pressure to be perfect wind you down— don't let someone else make the decisions for you when you know in your heart what you want to do, what you want to say, what you want to go after.

Born on July 12, 1997, in the Swat District of northwest Pakistan, a girl was raised during the reign of the Taliban. This girl wasn't afraid of the Taliban. This girl in her youth spoke alongside her father to her community about never giving up the quest to education. For her efforts, this girl was awarded Pakistan's First National Youth Peace Prize. Her second reward? A gun wound in the head.

Did this stop Malala?

No. She rose above. Just a year after being shot, Malala and her father co-founded the Malala Fund, in order to empower girls to raise their voices and demand change in their society.

Two young boys from Boston grew up knowing they wanted to be actors as adults. They never quit their dreams, and they never settled for anything but the stars in their eyes. Matthew Damon quit his Harvard education, flew to Los Angeles to work with Ben Affleck to finish a script for a movie, "Good Will Hunting," that one day won an Oscar. They rejected any company that told them they had to change their screenplay and hire different actors other than themselves. Had Damon and Affleck been too afraid to pursue their dreams, had they settled for something less, they would not be where they are today.

Swallowing the fear of failure or the pressure to keep one's voice silenced is the most powerful feeling in the world. Our lives are comprised of all moments, but it is those moments when we rise above the norm, stir the settled fabric, and ignore the fear society may instill in us that we find ourselves, in every way, brave. It is more important now than ever to show that nothing can silence our voices and our thirst for life.

Never be afraid to break the mold. Never be afraid of the voice and passion you have inside yourself. Never be afraid to be yourself, and bring light to the world around you.

The other day, I was dancing through the meat isles of Stop and Shop, kicking my feet up in the air and singing a tune I can't even remember now. I'm always told to stop dancing in public places because it's embarrassing to whomever I'm with, but I do it anyway because that's just a little glimmer of a passion I have—embarrassing myself.

I found out later, though, that my neighbor, who recently lost her friend due to an unexpected blood clot in his system, was standing in that aisle. She told me a week later that seeing me dance, she felt the universe sent her a message to show her life goes on, that life is good, and there is so much to live for.

You never know when being yourself can bring you and those around you warmth, love, and success. It can be difficult to try and stand out and bring light in times when darkness prevail or ambitions are being countered with social norms, but Malala, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, you, me… we all have those moments where the universe reaches out to us, to show us what we can do to make a difference, to leave a legacy. And when it reaches out, it's not going to be easy. While the universe is reaching out, society and the people around you can be pushing you away, as we saw with Malala, as we see in our current events of today.

But there is so much power in pushing back, in reaching back. So push…reach. Dance in the middle of Stop and Shop. Speak up in class. Join a movement you've held close to your heart. Stand up to bullies or to personal insecurities. Say what your heart yearns to speak, and destroy any fear. Get out of your own way and allow yourself to be unafraid."

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