First, let me start by saying I do understand, I understand you're angry, hurt, and heartbroken. Whether the breakup was a long time coming, deserved, or just thrown upon you I'm sorry that it happened, but it did, please let me try to help you. Don't shrug me off when I try to talk to you about how you're feeling. Don't tell me you need something to make you forget everything, or you'll hurt yourself. Don't tell me you need more alcohol while you're a belligerent drunk calling your ex terrible names, or when you're drunk texting him/her. I'm here to help you, I don't want to see you in pain.
At first, when you called me crying because of the break up I was shocked. I knew there were some problems but I didn't know how serious they were. I comforted you while you vented, then watched you ruin your room. I watched countless people try to talk to you and calm you down. I saw the beers you chugged, and the pictures you ripped. My heart ached for you those first couple hours I saw you after it happened.
Then you started talking bad about your ex. I understand (s)he broke your heart, but I also understand you love(d) them. I truly believe that if you love someone at one point they will always have a spot in your heart, and you will always have a part of you that still loves them. When I told you this the next day you admitted that you were wrong to say those things and that you still love them. However, later that night you became belligerent drunk again. Again I tried calming you when you began breaking things while chugging more and more alcohol, then you began talking about how you can get anyone you wanted and didn't need your ex. This went on for weeks. I tried intervening with your binge drinking every night scared for what you might have done, unfortunately, I failed.
We don't see each other on a daily basis anymore and I can only hope my words stuck with you and you cut your drinking down. I hope you find something, and or someone, to keep your mind off of your ex. I hope your smile comes back on a daily basis, as well as your laugh. I hope you don't let this breakup ruin you, and prove to your ex and yourself that you are better than how you've been acting. I know this sucks and it's a tough time but I also know things will get better. You are stronger than you think and you get through this.