This week I celebrated my 21st birthday. This was the first time I have ever not been home for my birthday, which was definitely difficult for me. As I have written about before, I am an only child and have a very close relationship with my parents. I am that person who celebrates my birthday all month long; I have a birthday month, not a day.
Returning to school the day before my birthday was definitely a strange feeling. It almost didn’t feel like my birthday. I spent that day unpacking, cleaning and finishing everything I ignored over break. I don't believe in doing work over Thanksgiving break, it's a break not time for work.
Even though it wasn't my actual birthday, we all know 21st birthday celebrations begin the night before. I hadn't planned on going out, but that night my friends invited me over for a wine and game night in their apartment. My friend picked me up from my room on campus. Still not expecting anything birthday related, she opened the door to her apartment and the lights were off which was odd since we were all getting together. Then, all of a sudden...
The lights came on and everyone popped out from nowhere. While I am now convinced I am the most gullible person ever to live, I was truly shocked. Even though there were so many signs that this was going to happen, I had absolutely no idea. From a teal colored cake (my favorite color), to wine, and games, the night could not have been better.
For my first birthday away from home, it was truly one of the best birthdays I have ever had. Needless to say, since my birthday is often on Thanksgiving break, I never really have had big parties, and definitely not a surprise party.
The day of my actual birthday was great too, with tons of birthday wishes and gifts from so many people. Even though I missed my parents, we had celebrated earlier and my friends really helped made me forget that I wasn't home. Cancelled class, awesome dinners, and thoughtful messages, the whole week has been great and I couldn't have asked for anything better.
Even though I may not have celebrated the way a lot of people celebrate their 21st, and I still haven't been out yet, I had a perfect time. This week has really opened my eyes to how much I have to be grateful for and I just want to say a big thank you again to everyone who made this week so special.