365 days. 365 pages to write your own story for the whole year. 2016 had its ups and downs but looking back overall it was a good year. I learned so much over this past year and it was full of realizations. In 2016, I learned that hardships bring strength. I also learned that you should never be afraid of failure because mistakes and failures teach you valuable lessons.
Here are some of my highlights from 2016!
This was my first year coaching at Tohickon Middle School. In January, the team had their first competition and they won 1st place! I was one proud coach. I must have been doing something right.
I made my final campus tour to West Chester University, just to be sure this was where I wanted to go in the fall.
I met some of my roommates for the first time at Accepted Students Day. This is when I had the "Oh crap, I'm actually going to college" realization.
The weather started getting warmer! I loved taking my dog for walks around the neighborhood. (That was a horrible highlight, I'm sorry. Nothing super exciting happened in April.)
Prom season!! Senior prom was so fun. I loved getting my hair done and dressing up. Although it rained a little bit, that didn't stop my senior class from having a great time.
I graduated from high school!! I was lucky enough to deliver the welcome speech at the graduation ceremony on that hot day in June. Maybe it was just the nerves that made me sweat. I don't know.
I worked at Elbow Lane Day Camp and it was my first year as a senior counselor. I could write a whole article on that job (I probably will), but I learned a lot about myself and being responsible. Yep, that's me in the dunk tank...just a normal day at work.
I moved into my dorm at West Chester University!
I received a bid to join the Theta Omicron chapter of the Kappa Delta Sorority at West Chester! (That was a mouthful.) If any of my sisters are reading...AOT.
I cut my hair and got highlights!! I was at that rough point in the semester where you just want to give up on everything, so I thought a change would make me feel better. (People said I had Rachel Green hair. Best. Compliment. Ever.)
I voted in my first presidential election! Even though the election results didn't turn out in my favor, I still felt adult-ish exercising my right to vote.
I said goodbye to West Chester. I finished up my first semester at college. Surprisingly, I did not cry (which is very odd since I'm an emotional person!) Seeing my empty dorm room did break my heart a little bit, but I was so excited to go back home.
2016 was definitely a year full of learning. I adjusted to college life, and I learned that it wasn't for me quite yet. I had my heart broken and I learned that I don't need a guy in my life to make me happy. Most importantly, I've learned to make every day the best it can possibly be. 2017... I am so ready for you.