Must Have Home Decor Items For The Fall | The Odyssey Online
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Must Have Home Decor Items For The Fall

My recommendations for making your home an oasis.

Must Have Home Decor Items For The Fall

The fall season is fast approaching and by now it's time to start thinking about the obvious--no not Labor Day, Thanksgiving or the cool weather but how you will “dress” your home for the upcoming holiday season. It’s never too late to start thinking about sprucing up your home and making it look more spacious, colorful, stylish and inviting. You don’t need to hire an interior decorator to make an assessment on what adjustments you need to make. It's YOUR home and everyone has their own sense of style.

It’s all about using the space that you have to maximize that style and use accent items to make it more functional. However it doesn’t hurt to have basic knowledge of color theory and a flair for design to really make your home a source of envy. First let’s look at some online resources to get your feet wet and then explore this season’s must have items.

1. Color Theory

Make knowledge of color theory your go to guide.

If you are thinking about adding some color to your home then make sure you are least familiar with basic color theory. Yes, there is actually a science for mixing and matching colors correctly. Personally I would stay away from the basic colors like red, blue, yellow, etc. These colors are more for well, coloring books. The best colors are either tints or shades of these colors. (Hint: a tint is the result of a color that is mixed with white and a shade is the result of a color mixed with black). Tints and shades allow a much wider range of colors to choose from.

If you really want to be precise, you can choose from the PANTONE color matching system which also has a wide range of tints and shades available based on the exact percentage of colors mixed. The PANTONE color palette is also used by designers to create artwork and even clothing and more.

2. Wall Decals

These are the most versatile accent items in season. You can choose between inspirational quotes, beautiful flourishes and flora and character prints for the kids. They are an inexpensive way of adding sophisticated style to a drab room or wall and can be easily removed if you change your mind. These would work best on pastel colored walls because it adds stark contrast between both colors especially if the decal is black

2. Canvas Prints

Photography and artistic prints add a playful and sophisticated flair to a room that really needs it. These also work best on pastel colored walls just to give it an extra pop. If you’ve decided that you want to use these accents I would go with a variety just to break up the monotony. For example, one room can use artistic prints and other rooms can use photo prints, or even better a combination of the two. For smaller rooms I would recommend smaller size prints with wide spaces between them. Installing accent lights above or below this artwork (either color or plain) can also give these prints more pop.

3. Candles

When placed correctly, candles can add romance and quiet solitude to any room in your home. Candles can be used as an accent on a fireplace or can be used as part of an accent piece on a wall in a bathroom.

4. Pillows

Decorative pillows are all the rage. Add some color and punch to an otherwise drab sofa or bed. Some pillows can even be customized to fit your individual style. Color theory also plays a role with pillows. Add some contrast by placing dark colored pillows on pale colored sheets or covers, or add some color by placing pastel colored pillows also with pale colored sheets or covers. Mix and match and see what works best.

5. Bedding

The style and colors of your bedding can make or break the “credibility” of your bedroom. Choose colors of your bedding that compliment the colors of your walls. For example a room that has tan colored walls should have brown or ivory colored sheets, pillows and comforters. You can even choose colors that contrast with the walls. Another example would be mahogany walls with black pillows or even dark red sheets and comforters.

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