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12 Restaurants To Eat Your Way Through St. Louis

New to St. Louis? Or even just visiting? Here is a list of restaurants you must try!

12 Restaurants To Eat Your Way Through St. Louis

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School is starting back up and if your school is anything like mine, there are a lot of students that are not local. There is a big ratio of students at my school that are not from the city, state or even the country. As being a local from St. Louis, Missouri, I have come up with a list of good places to eat you must try!

1. Imo's

Let's start this list off with the most St. Louis classic restaurant. This may be the restaurant you have heard/will hear while being in St. Louis the most. It is a pizza place with the best St. Louis style pizza. Also, while you're there make sure you try their provel bites and toasted ravioli (t-ravs) a St. Louis classic.

2. Ted Drewe's

Another St. Louis classic that you may hear about once or twice. Ted Drewe's is known for their amazing frozen custard. There are only two locations, both around the south city area. The line always looks so long, but I promise it goes by fast! I would be surprised if I heard someone was waiting more than five minutes. My favorite is the s'mores.

3. Mission Taco Joint


This one must be on the list. It is honestly my favorite restaurant. There are four locations spread out around St. Louis; Soulard, Central West End, Delmar Loop and Fifth Street in St. Charles. Mission Taco has the best street tacos I have ever tried. The best thing is, after 10 p.m, it's two-dollar tacos and tequila shots (but only if you are twenty-one). ;)

4. McGurk's

I know this has been mentioned on Lindenwood's Odyssey before, but I must mention it again. It is such a cute place; try to sit outside if it isn't too busy! If you are looking to eat pub food, go to McGurk's. You can find McGurk's in Soulard.

5. Mom's Deli

To hear about Mom's, you need to talk to a true Saint Louisian. Mom's is a small deli located in south city, close to the Chippewa location, so go get you some frozen custard for a dessert!

6. Ice's Plain and Fancy


I am going to mention ice cream again because seriously who does not like ice cream?! Ice's is located near Tower Grove. It is such a cool experience to try this; they make the ice cream right in front of you with liquid nitrogen!

7. Blue's City Deli

The famous deli in St. Louis located in Soulard. My dad and I will swear by Blue's City Deli till the day we die. It is so good! The only bad thing is there is always a long line so make sure you have time to spare when you go. The food is totally worth the wait though!

8. City Coffee House

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I am not sure about y'all, but I am a brunch guru. Basic white girl, I know. City Coffee house is located in Clayton. They have the best crepes! I took one of my friends there. She has been to France, therefore had high expectations, she thought it was great as well! Also, if you are a coffee drinker, they have great coffee.

9. Strange Donuts

The name on this one gives it away. When they say strange, they mean strange. With flavored donuts like Gooey Butter, S'mores and Maple Bacon. Yes, bacon on a donut... There are two locations; Kirkwood and Maplewood.

10. Cunetto’s

This wouldn't be a St. Louis article if I didn't include a restaurant on The Hill. I went on a date here and the food was amazing! If you are looking for a really nice place to eat in St. Louis check Cunetto's out!

11. Pi Pizza

I am going to say that everyone loves pizza! Pi is located at The Delmar Loop, Central West End, Downtown and Chesterfield. It is a Chicago styled pizza, obviously not in Chicago. I don't want to pick favorites, but this would probably have to win on the best pizza place in St. Louis.

12. The Sweet Divine

Last but not least, looking for some good cupcakes? How about trying a place that won Cupcake Wars? The Sweet Divine found in Soulard or you may see their food truck out and about. The inside is remodeled and beautiful! They are known for their cupcakes but also have good macaroons and coffee!

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