Mothers And Fathers
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Mothers And Fathers

When humility meets racism.

Mothers And Fathers

“...we [white people] do dominate the world to an extent look at the boards of directors of most corporations tons of white people and Jews, yes. But everyday, we hear oh isn’t this great there’s more diversity in this corporation. Don’t we need more people of color in films and movies, isn’t this wonderful? What is the trajectory? Where is the arrow pointing? The arrow is pointing, away from white power. In my lifetime what is probably going to happen is I’m... I am going to become a minority in the United States. But what do I want for my great- grandchildren? I do want them to live in a white society, a European empire… I would never say I do not like black people, that’s not what I’m about” - Richard Spencer.

For the sake of this article if you are of a race that is a minority, please relinquish any emotion that is attached to your perspective, regarding this previous quote, and for those who would be deemed as majority within our society, please attempt to imagine being a minority and watching such a statement air on television.

Now that we’ve either nullified, or disarmed our imaginations, can we openly consider the depth of this statement. Both the reality and harshness of such that has once again been brought to the light. I write once again, because this genre of ideology is not new, rather recycled and re-occurring in the homes, and behind the closed doors of many corporate HQ’s of America. In regards to the home-life of Americans that are perpetuating such views and openly discussing them before children, I often wonder if the consideration of the world and its direction has ever been truly considered?

Can you recall the first time you truly realized that you were different from another in terms of ethnicity and pigment of skin? Was it discussed in your home (on either side of the spectrum)? Can you vividly recollect when you first discovered that such a minute attribute such as complexion and heritage that follows could either elevate or demean what it meant for you to be a functioning human within American society?

Can you recall, and if so I encourage you to bring this memory to the fore-front.

When watching the “American Race “ interview, and listening to Richard Spencer mention the society he’d want his great-grandchildren to reside in, I considered my own upbringing. Now, I’ll be honest my narrative may vary from other young black adults, who discovered racial tension almost instantly as a response to their surrounding. Having been marginalized as a culture, I still grew up in a household that taught an intimate, genuine, and freeing sense of love for humanity. It wasn’t until I begin attending elementary school, that I began to discover the negative backlash and responses I could receive for merely being black.

Police brutality? Denial of well-deserving professional positions?

Issues that I did not consider until I grew older, and realized that society wasn’t as just as I hoped to once believe. As I’m sure many of you can attest to the heinous and blatant lack of self-respect that we have, I’m finding now that as we open up the platform to discuss these things we still struggle with identifying some of the root issues. I write, self-respect because how you perceive another is ultimately a reflection of how you consider yourself. The ways in which we treat one another, our ideologies regarding race and what such means in terms of politics, the history of our country as well our present and upcoming future all circles back to self, and we’ve been taught to view such.

To have struggles with issues such as supremacy and privilege is to only violently attempt to cover the natural fears and insecurities that all humankind (regardless of the ethnic background or amount financial stability) face. White, black, rich , poor, comfortably in the middle-class to those who would now be considered as “the working poor,” as humanity we all have a genuine desire to be loved and considered. To have our merit recognized and our lives valued, it is simply how we were created.

So when encountering issues with racism and supremacy, I hope that you would first search your heart for humility. Discover that no matter your holding-place on the spectrum, you too are human. You too have these natural desires and the right to succeed. When working through your ideologies and your political stances, I ask that you disregard any reforms or agendas and consider your upbringing. The ways in which racism shaped and molded you, and once you’ve found yourself completing such, I then ask that you imagine what you’ll tell your children about such heinous thought provoking term such as: “other.”

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