42 Drag Queen Images Depicting My Friday—AM To PM | The Odyssey Online
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42 Drag Queen Images Depicting My Friday—AM To PM

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42 Drag Queen Images Depicting My Friday—AM To PM

I'm a college student with a normal college student life. I study, I work, I do extracurricular activities and other adult things. My life can also be kind of interesting, and what better way to describe it than through Drag Queen images? There really is no better way.

1. When you're doing your makeup before school and you think you did your wings on point but then you look in the mirror.

And then you try to do your hair, but it's just not cooperating.

2. When you burn your toast.

3. When you get to school and you look awful.

4. When you're walking to class and you see your friend and they ask you, "Where have you been? I haven't seen you in forever!"

5. When you get to class and your Professor hands out a pop quiz.

6. And then you realize you've had it officially.

7. When the kid that can't read volunteers to read.

8. When you get home and see you have mail and think it's a bill...

But then you open it and realize it's a late birthday card from your aunt with $100 in it.

9. When your roommate accuses you of not doing your dishes.

10. When you're in bed and your best friend texts you, "Come out with me tonight! Drinks are on me!"

11. When your best friend picks you up and tells you to change because you look fat.

12. When you go out and all your friends put their things in your purse that you shouldn't have brought.

13. When you see your ex at the club and you look good AF.

14. When the annoying friend you don't really like tells you her boyfriend just broke up with her, and you try to act like you're thoroughly concerned.

15. When there's drama but you're not involved.

16. When you get hit on by someone of the opposite-sex at a gay club.

17. When your underage friends ask you to buy them alcohol.

18. When you tell everyone...

But then they start playing "gimme more" by Britney Spears and you're like...

And then they start playing "Believe" by Cher and you and your best friend argue about who does Cher better.

19. When your problematic friend says, "I don't like Cher."

And then she starts critiquing your makeup but she actually looks a mess herself.

And to the girl on the dance floor who thinks she's Beyonce...

Cue Latrice

20. When your cranberry and vodka is only 25 percent vodka.

21. When you see a very attractive person...

and then you try to seduce them and you think you look like this...

but you actually look like this...

22. When they come over and give you their number.

23. When the party's over and you're still drunk walking to the Uber.

24. When you get home, take off all your makeup and look in the mirror.

25. When you finally get back in bed and realize you work tomorrow morning.

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