4. Girls that look "masculine" are always and only ever gay | The Odyssey Online
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11 Common Misconceptions People Have About The LGBT Community

Educate yourself and those around you to ensure a positive environment.

11 Common Misconceptions People Have About The LGBT Community

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With the growing season of summer before us, many individuals take pride in a certain month that has also started rising over the horizon. June is the month more commonly referred to by many as "Pride Month." This is the month where many members of the LGBTQ+ community celebrate and show their pride in who they are, a time where they feel like they can be more open about themselves with friends and families. Through many events and parades that take place throughout the month, members and allies of this community celebrate together in all the summer fun. However, when becoming an ally for this community, there are many misconceptions people have about the community as a whole.

1. Coming out is easy and only happens once 

Coming out is considered a one-time thing that lets things be easy afterward all the time. And for some people that may be true, but unfortunately, a lot of LGBT members battle hard times even after they go through the coming out process.

2. Sex and gender are the same thing 

Sex is the biological construction your body is assigned at birth. However, gender is a social construct that is configured over time based on that individual personal identity. Just because someone identifies as biologically female, that doesn't mean their gender identity is the same.

3. There are only two "genders"

This connects back to thinking that sex and gender are the same things. Everyone's identities are different, and everyone is free to make that decision.

4. Girls that look "masculine" are always and only ever gay 

Just because a girl wears baggy clothes and baseball tee shirts, does not mean she's gay. Just like a girl who wear dresses and make-up is not always a seemingly straight girl.

5. Boys that dress "feminine" are always and only ever gay 

Just like I previously mentioned, just because a guy is into fashion and makeup and anything else typically seen as a more "feminine" hobby, that does not mean he identifies as gay.

6. Transgenders have a “mental illness” 

If you are referring to the anxiety, depression, or suicidal thoughts that can occur when an individual is unhappy with the body that they are in, then yes. Other than that, just don't make comments about what you THINK someone else is going through.

7. Bisexuals and Pansexuals are the same thing 

Bisexuals love individuals who identify as male and female. Pansexuals love those same individuals and everyone else in between.

8. Asexuals don’t exist 

Asexuals do exist, and their feelings are just as valid and acceptable as anyone else's.

9. All lesbians are man-haters 

Just because a woman identifies as a lesbian, does not mean she hates men and women were her only other options. Some girls like girls, there doesn't need to be some horrible backstory to it.

10. All gay men just want to “turn” straight guys 

Contradicting what you have been hearing in the media, especially as of lately, gay men aren't looking to "turn" every straight guy they find attractive.

11. Everyone in the LGBT community identifies as “gay” 

As I have repeated many times throughout this article, everyone's personal identity is different, whether that is in regards to their bodies, sexuality, and more. Gay may be known as an umbrella term for an individual in the LGBT community, that does not mean you can immediately assume and refer to them as such.

If you want to show your support and alliance to those individuals and members of the LGBTQ+ community this pride month or throughout the whole year long, make sure you are aware of the common misconceptions many people have. Educate yourself and those around you to ensure a positive environment for not only the current members of the community but for the future members throughout the years to come.

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