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Minimalistic Living: 5 Things I No Longer Buy

Some things I stopped buying that has helped me save money and space (plus enjoy the things that matter most to me!)

Minimalistic Living: 5 Things I No Longer Buy

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Minimalism is the idea that we can live with less, but get more out of life — stripping away the unnecessary things so we can focus on the necessary. Many people assume that minimalism is about not owning anything at all, but I am here to debunk this common myth! Minimalism, rather, is essentially about reducing, simplifying, and finding meaning in your life - redirecting your focus towards a more conscious and intentional lifestyle, whether that be trimming down your closet to 30 pairs of jeans or three.

Over the course of the past year, I've been increasingly exploring the concept of minimalism and making little changes towards incorporating this mindset more into my lifestyle. Obviously, I'm not a full-fledged minimalist, but here are just some things I stopped buying that has helped me save money and space (plus enjoy the things that matter most to me!)


A few years ago, I was a makeup buying machine. Sephora and I were in a steady relationship. Somehow, I managed to justify my frivolous habits by telling myself I was one lip liner closer to becoming Kylie Jenner. Today, I'm happy to say I have laid the lip kits to rest! Occasionally, I'll stumble across a product I absolutely love, but for the most part, I stick with the things I know I really love. I don't take nearly as much time in the morning as I used to do either (#nomakeuplook) – the quicker the better!

Plastic Water Bottles

My brother actually introduced me to the Hydro Flask reusable water bottle, so I have to give him credit for leading me to the best purchases I've ever made. I now cannot advocate reusable water bottles enough! Making the switch to a reusable bottle has not only helped cut back on unnecessary costs and environmental waste from disposable bottles but has turned me into the biggest water drinker ever. Ask anyone who knows me... I never leave home without it!


Cheap shiny things have their time and place, but for the most part, I've cut back on the trendy accessories, sticking to my small collection of quality staple pieces instead.


It's easy to see how K-Cups aren't doing any services for the planet (or your wallet for that matter) Though I used to rely on K-Cups for my everyday coffee fix, I finally made the switch to a reusable filter and haven't looked back since! In terms of convenience, although keeping a batch of freshly ground coffee can be a bit of a hassle, it is the cheaper option compared to buying pods.


When it comes to cleaning out your closet, Poshmark has been my best friend. Poshmark is one of the world's largest online thrift stores for buying and selling, ranging from designer couture to everyday pieces. I love the idea of walking into a thrift store and finding hidden gems, but it's usually such an overwhelming and time-consuming process to rummage through all the racks to get the pieces you love and in your size. What I enjoy about Poshmark, is how easy the marketplace makes it sell and purchase items. I also love that the items are like-new but you get to give them a second chance of life — keeping them out of landfills and buying one less new item in the process too!

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