Everyone says they have the best parents; however in my case it is 100% true. My earliest memories are them cheering me on at my gymnastics meets when I was 4, and simultaneously getting asked to lower their volume if they wanted to return. I am thankful to have parents that raised me with strict rules while also being the absolute coolest people I know. They let me cry, made me laugh, and disciplined me. They preached intelligence over looks, and never made me feel like I needed to earn their affection. There are so many things that I could thank them for, but for the girl with one million questions, the quality in my parents that I am the most thankful for is their knack for giving the right answers every single time. Were their answers always right for everyone? No - but they've always been tailor-made just for me anyways. So, to my parents, here are some of the questions and the answers you gave me that I am most thankful for.
"How does this work?" Thank you for always helping me understand how things work, and for showing me when you could. When I was the tiniest peanut I know I asked you constantly how you were doing things, and you always answered lovingly. Your encouragement of my curiosity and desire for knowledge has taught me to value those things over other fleeting qualities. Dad, thank you for letting me help you with your gardening as soon as I was big enough, and for explaining every step of the way what we were doing. Mom, thank you for letting me watch you do every single thing, big and small, that you do for our family, and always answering me when I asked silly questions.
"Why are girls so mean?" When I would come home from middle and high school crying about girls who I thought were my friends, you consistently gave me the same answer: "They're not happy with themselves and feel the need to bring you down with them." Your answer that was rooted in kindness hasn't been remembered every step of the way, but most days it keeps me grounded. Looking back on my first 22 years of life, I know my tendency to give second chances is because I took your answer and ran with it (probably a little too far, but I've got time to learn)
"Why are boys so mean?" When boys became a bigger part of the equation in college and a boy made me cry for the first time, your answer of "Because he doesn't appreciate how unique, special and kind you are" helped me back on my feet. Any time I questioned a relationship or wondered what to do next, you always reminded me to value myself and the right decision will come to me. I also greatly appreciate when you answered the question "Is it okay if smash everything he gave me with a hammer?" with a resounding "Hell yes". (Balance is key)
"Will I ever be okay?" When the wreck happened and I couldn't seem to forgive myself or see an end in sight, you supported me even while you both were struggling with what happened. Your simple answer of "Yes", said a million times over, was all I needed to hear to know I would survive. Your answers of "I just don't know why" when I asked why things were happening also reminded me that things happen without rhyme or reason, and that you were hurting too. By letting me see how hurt you were for me, you let me know I would never walk alone, and that we would get through it together.
"What do I do next?" This has been the question for the past 6 months, and the answer you give me changes every time. However, what doesn't change is the fact that you do answer. Whether I'm calling for the third time in a day about how to fix my cover letter, asking if you HAVE to wear a jacket to interviews, wondering about where to move to and much more, you always answer. Letting you know I am afraid of failure has been met with the reassurance that I can't fail as long as I am trying.
I have asked at least one million questions, but these are the ones that had the best answers. Your answers have been the foundation upon which I built my life, and how I became the person I am today. Thank you for being the hardest working people on the planet, never forcing me to wear pink, giving me my sense of humor and so much more. I love you - and that will never be a question.