We are all at the point in the semester where everything keeps dragging on. We are all due for a break and the professors just keep preaching on! The days of getting up at 8 in the morning will soon be done. Christmas Break is only six weeks away. There are several ways to stay motivated through this time. Here are the five ways to navigate your way through the mid-semester blues.
1. You look forward to all of the Christmas festivities that will occur after the semester is over
Just keep on keeping on as Christmas will be more joyous if you have good grades to bring home to mom and dad. The holidays are a lot more joyous if you come home with a solid GPA versus coming home with some failed classes. Mom may be more willing to buy you that pair of Kate Spade shoes you've been dying for with a 3.0.
2. “C’s get Degrees,” but D's and F's surely don’t.
Continue studying to keep that C average. If you give up at this point in the semester you are throwing in the towel for the degree that will be worth it at the end of your four years at Ole Miss. If you finish the semester with a D or an F your grade point average drops drastically but with a C it remains manageable. C's are not ideal but they do get degrees.
3. Skipping class is way better than attending.
Skipping class may feel like a good idea now but come test time you will be regretting it. Going to class is vital and important for retaining knowledge. Doing well on tests and quizzes require the attendance of class. Sure skipping that 8 a.m. for an extra hour of sleep seems great, but don’t let it affect your grades. Going to class can raise your average by ten points, that is a whole letter grade of improvement.
4. But Netflix just seems way more appealing...
True. Ever since "Gilmore Girls" was released on Netflix Oct. 1, I have made hard decisions on whether I should be watching Gilmore Girls or doing my homework. A good plan of action is to promise yourself one episode after completing an assignment. I am a lot more motivated if I have the promise of an episode on Netflix compared to just doing homework to complete it.
5. The end is near.
If you can make it three more weeks you will have a week long break that will recharge you for the treacherous week called Finals Week. Thanksgiving break is the best because you can take a week and do literally nothing and catch up on television shows you've missed since being at school. Nothing beats a week of chilling out, relaxing, and visiting with old friends.
The mid-semester blues gets everyone. This university really should reinstate a fall break, but we can do it! Students, just keep going, soon you will be in a winter wonderland for six weeks without a reality check unless you have strict parents.