On a recent episode of "The Ellen Show" that aired on April 7th, Ellen Degeneres had award-winning actress Melissa McCarthy on as a guest where she shared some very exciting news for "Gilmore Girls" lovers. The show follows the Gilmore family, highlighting mother and daughter Lorelai and Rory Gilmore and their day-to-day lives in the small town of Stars Hollow. The show had a seven season run, starting in 2000 and ending in 2007. So you can imagine how excited "Gilmore Girls" fans were when news that Netflix was thinking about making a revival series, after a nine year dry spell, was released earlier this year (good ole Netflix. You're the real MVP).
When the news came out, fans were eager to see which of the characters on the show were actually going to be a part of the revival series. Everyone was pleased to see that some of the shows original favorites, Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel, who play Lorelai and Rory Gilmore, were immediately on board, as well as Scott Patterson who plays Luke and Kelly Bishop who plays Emily Gilmore.
For awhile, there was no news about Melissa McCarthy's beloved character Sookie St. James returning for the revival.
That is, until her appearance on "The Ellen Show", where Ellen asked McCarthy to announce the big news herself. In her own words, though jumbled and full of excitement, McCarthy doesn't give fans a real concrete reason why she was hesitant about jumping on the revival train. She explains, "there's something I've been asked about so, so many times and it hasn't . . . worked out and is . . . uh. They're making four new movies of the 'Gilmore Girls' which is a show that has been near and dear to my heart for four years and we could not get those schedules to work and . . . there was a whole thing, and I was going to be out of the country and blah blah blah and literally an hour and a half ago and we figured out that I am going to go back and do it and I am so excited!"
So are "Gilmore Girls" fans! We don't care what the reason is for McCarthy not being on board from the start. In fact, it seems to have been out of her control anyway. We're just happy that our beloved Sookie will be back for the revival.
As for a revival release date, nothing is set in stone yet. But according to Michael Ausielle on TvLine, "Netflix announced early Monday that the four-part continuation 'will launch later this year, everywhere that Netflix is available.' The streaming giant did not specify a specific 2016 timeframe, but given the fact that production isn’t scheduled to wrap until May 10, conventional wisdom points to either a fall or winter launch date."
So keep your eyes pealed for more "Gilmore Girls" revival news hopefully soon!