Yes, My College Roommate And I Reached Out To Boy Neighbors 'Taylor Swift Style' | The Odyssey Online
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Yes, My College Roommate And I Reached Out To Boy Neighbors 'Taylor Swift Style'

The art of whiteboard communication.

Yes, My College Roommate And I Reached Out To Boy Neighbors 'Taylor Swift Style'
Austin and Aly wikia

In a world of sliding into DMs, Snapchats, swiping left or right, and the occasional unfortunate dick pic, six people took a stand.

They said no to the modern world of communication and turned to whiteboards to exchange their messages. Two apartments with windows facing each other set up the perfect stage for our story. After weeks of the awkward glances and infrequent wave three girls made contact.

It started out with a "Hello Boys" on the girls side, and then they waited.

When no response came before bed they tucked themselves in, spirits low.

The next morning their hopes were renewed by a piece of paper taped in the window reading "Hello Ladies."

Next came the introduction of names, distinguishing features provided to minimize mix ups of who was who.

Questions about TV shows, places of origin, and music were exchanged, often with witty sarcastic replies. Both sides laughed as the conversation went on. The girls documented the interaction for their social media following to enjoy. Many became faithful followers of the whiteboard messages, asking for updates and news.

Finally, the day came when the boys asked for face to face interaction. A

date and time were set and wine was also promised. The ending to the story has yet to be determined, but it’s not the destination that matters, it’s the journey.

The whiteboards are a symbol of hope in our electronically obsessed world. People enjoy getting to know each other the old-fashioned way.

The conversation was a fun stress reliever, much needed by busy college students. So the next time you are curious about someone in your apartment complex or dorm reach out, you never know where it might lead you.

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