Maybe we should stop believing in karma. I would like to clarify that it is not for the reasons one might think. Rather, I have come to the realization that the whole notion of karma is deeply flawed. While some may just see this is as an escape, a rejection of the idea that someday my actions might have direct consequences, that can't be further from what I look to explain to you. See, I have no issue with the logic behind the concept of my actions having consequences but rather the reasoning behind karma in itself. We'll get to that later.
So what is karma then? A mystical energy that transcends all religion, science or rational thought that somehow governs our world by rewarding good behavior and punishing those with iffy track records? What I find most appalling is our motives behind believing in karma; we do good deeds in hopes of a good deed being done for us. Does that not sound like a perfect recipe for bad karma? To do something good in the hopes that you receive some good yourself rather than doing a good deed solely because it is a good thing to do sounds like you are trying to cheat karma, and karma hates cheaters.
See, if karma does exist, we are 100 percent going at it the wrong way. I stopped believing in karma because almost every time I do something nice, I can't help but hope and somewhat expect for the universe to bless me with something beneficial. So then what happens to the bad guys? Do they just receive a free pass? Of course not. Malicious acts lead to consequences, and those consequences usually come back as retribution. Perhaps not in the form of a mystical energy but rather a pissed off ex-girlfriend or your dean after he is notified that the essay you were just awarded for was not your work. Perhaps we should just focus on ourselves and being good people rather than focusing our attention on what is in it for us. I believe as soon as we do things in virtue of it being the right thing to do, karma has a funny way of repaying us back.