As a college kid and being away from home during religious holidays, one of the most difficult things to continue are family traditions and succeed at it. Passover is the one holiday where Jewish people fast by not eating bread for eight days. In college, that is an ultimate struggle considering how much bread is offered everywhere and how some college students can only afford a loaf of bread to nibble on for the week.
Here are 5 struggles that college students face during the 8 days of Passover:
1. Bread and other foods that are off limits during these eight days are sold all over campus.
No matter what restaurant you decide to eat at on campus, you know every item is going to contain bread or ingredients that are not kosher for Passover. A hamburger with a bun, breaded chicken fingers, chocolate, pasta, cake or just a roll on the side of your entrée, you will have to be able to say no to bread. On top of getting the idea of “no" through your head, you'll then have to order the meal and ask for substitutes and say many “withouts" even when ordering a simple sandwich. Chances are, you will get a weird look from the person who is taking your order, but what can you do! In worse cases, you might have to explain that it is Passover and you aren't allowed to eat bread for eight days….awkward. #nobread
2. You see other people eat bread.
In the food court, at a restaurant, or even in your own apartment, people WILL be eating bread around you. All I can say is have will power and just say no! #nobreadnoproblem
3. All you have on your mind is matzah.
Eating matzah for basically breakfast, lunch and dinner, you'll constantly be thinking about matzah. “hmm what sounds good for lunch?" Obvious answer.. Something that involves matzah. #lovemesomematzah
4. You'll get weird looks from eating matzah.
Whipping out matzah in the middle of the cafeteria, you will most definetly be looked at. Whether it be plain, with jelly and peanut butter, creamcheese or butter, or dipping it in something like hummus or nutella, people will find that weird. But hey, you got to do what you got to do. #peacelovematzah
5. On the bright side, you get excused from classes.
Due to this specific religious holiday and attending Passover seders in or around campus, you are able to get excused from classes. I wouldn't mind carrying around matzah and eating it for any meal any day of the year if that means I get excused from classes!
Happy Pesach! #livelovebreathematzah