On Thursday, March 19, LSU's Manship School of Mass Communication held a networking night for students. The event was held in the Journalism building and housed many different companies and corporations for public relations, journalism, political communications, and broadcast journalism majors.
I decided about an hour before it started that I should go and see what it was all about. Now most people that go are juniors and seniors looking for serious jobs, but going as a freshman or sophomore is really beneficial! Seeing as I have no idea what I want to do when I graduate, it was very informative and I learned a lot about potential jobs and companies to apply for.
Internships were also being discussed left and right. And while it is recommended to bring resumes with you, I did not get that memo and it was no big deal that I went empty handed. Plenty of companies gave me business cards and contact information to send over my resume.
I recommend any student majoring in mass communication to take advantage of the next networking night to meet potential employers, make connections, and just gain a knowledge of what to do when you graduate!